
unusual facts about nouveau roman

Danish literature

Jens Christian Grøndahl (born 1959) began his literary career in 1985 with novels in the rather complex French nouveau roman style.

Jean Ricardou

Jean Ricardou (b. Cannes, 17 June 1932) is a French writer and theorist of the nouveau roman literary movement.

Le Maintien de l’ordre

Le Maintien de l’ordre (Gallimard, 1961), translated as Law and Order, is a novel by French writer Claude Ollier written in classic nouveau roman style.

Marcel Beyer

From early on Beyer, strongly influenced by Friederike Mayröcker and the authors of the French nouveau roman, was a writer of lyric poetry and novels, always taking an idiosyncratic view of German history, in particular the Third Reich era.

Report on Probability A

The novel is eloquently summarised by Paul Di Filippo who wrote that 'an infinite regress of cosmic voyeurs seems to center around an enigmatic painting, as the French nouveau roman movement invades science fiction'.

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