
unusual facts about nymphs


The Nymphs |


In classical Greece, female sea monsters that combine allure and deadliness may also derive from this tradition, including the Gorgons (who were daughters of the old sea god Phorcys), Sirens, Harpies, and even water nymphs and Nereids.

Antricola marginatus

These ticks are considered soft ticks, because of their subterminal capitulum (head) found in nymphs (juvenile ticks with a full complement of legs) and adult ticks.

Blue spruce

Nymphs of the pineapple gall adelgid form galls at the base of twigs which resemble miniature pineapples and those of the Cooley's spruce gall adelgid cause cone-shaped galls at the tips of branches.


The nymphs were scorned and transformed Cerambus into a wood-gnawing beetle Cerambyx; his cattle was gone when the winter struck.


Dimitrie Cantemir describes the Iele as ‘’Nymphs of the air, in love especially with young men’’.

Japanese cockroach

Initial first-instar nymphs are dark brown, with white or brownish white tips of the maxillary and labial palps.

Leeds City Square

There are other statues of other worthy local people (Joseph Priestley, John Harrison, James Watt and Dr Walter Hook) and statues of eight nymphs, light standards by sculptor Alfred Drury.

Mastotermes electromexicus

The amber specimens, a soldier, an imago and twelve nymphs are currently housed in the fossil collection of the University of California, Berkeley in Berkeley, California.

Nereid Monument

They have generally been called Nereids, though Thurstan Robinson argues that this is imposing a Greek perspective on Lycian sculptures, and that they should rather be seen as eliyãna, Lycian water-nymphs associated with fresh-water sources and referenced on the Letoon trilingual inscription, which was discovered a few kilometres to the south of the site of the Monument.

Queen Lurline

Queen Zixi of Ix depicts another Fairy Queen named Lulea, who is based in the Forest of Burzee, just as The Fairy Queen and Queen Zurline of the Wood Nymphs are.

Tree nymph

Sevenia, the African tree nymphs, from the tropical brushfoot subfamily (Biblidinae)

Ideopsis, the Southeast Asian tree- and wood nymphs, also known as glassy tigers, from a different lineage of Danainae


Local sights include the neo-Gothic "round courtyard" (1749), the late Baroque church of the Annunciation (1744–50), 18th-century Galitzine palace, and a "grotto of nymphs", built in 1809 to mark the centenary of the Battle of Poltava.

see also