A 1977 survey of obituaries in The Barbour Democrat showed that 135 of 163 "Ridge people" (83%) were married to people having the last names Mayle, Norris, Croston, Prichard, Collins, Adams, or Kennedy.
Her ashes were buried in the graveyard of St Munn's Parish Church in Kilmun, Scotland, and obituaries honoring her appeared in publications such as The Lancet and The British Medical Journal.
During the 2008, 2010 and 2011 summer periods of CBC Radio One, Pinsent presented a radio documentary series called The Late Show featuring extended obituaries of notable Canadians whom the producers believed deserved attention.
Davis Cemetery is located a mile east of Burnettsville and a half mile east of the White County-Cass county line, and is commonly referred to as the Davis Cemetery Burnettsville in obituaries.
Theatre World, founded in 1945, covers the complete statistical and photographic Broadway, Off-Broadway, Off-Off-Broadway, and regional theatre seasons, major theatrical awards, obituaries, and the longest Broadway and Off-Broadway runs, among other categories.
While visiting a Northern English city, Barbara (Vinessa Shaw), an aspiring Hollywood actress, has a fling with the town undertaker Richard (David Tennant), who also writes obituaries for the local paper and has written one unpublished novel, Uzi Suicide.
: The Best Obituaries from Legendary New York Times Reporter Robert McG. Thomas ISBN 978-0-7432-1562-6
He also wrote for The New York Times Magazine and, after retiring in 1999, wrote obituaries of world and national leaders.
In published obituaries, Christoffersen's family made no mention of his sexual orientation and requested that donations in his honor be made to New Creation Ministry, a church solely devoted to the ex-gay movement — a movement which promotes attempts to change the sexual orientation of gay people to straight, in a Christian context.
Moses would also look up obituaries, daily newspapers, biographies or The Annual Register to research the history of deceased