
unusual facts about oculist


Charles Chandler Egerton

Four years later he was appointed by the East India Company assistant-surgeon on the Bengal establishment to practise as an oculist, and especially to take charge of those Indo-European lads at the lower orphan school who had contracted disease of the eyes.

Dr. Samuel MacKenzie Elliott House

It was one of 22 similar houses in the area designed and built as investments by Scottish born Samuel Mackenzie Elliott, an oculist and eye surgeon who boasted prominent clients like John Jacob Astor, Peter Cooper, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Horace Greeley.

Jonathan Wathen-Waller

As with Ware, Phipp's medical reputation grew, and by 1795 he had become the oculist (eye doctor) to both King George III, and George's third son William.

Richard Bannister

Richard Banister (died 1626), sometimes spelt Bannister, English oculist

see also