
unusual facts about ontologies

Asset Description Metadata Schema

Used in concert with web syndication technology ADMS helps people make sense of the complex multi-publisher environment around standards and in particular the ones which are semantic assets such as ontologies, data models, data dictionaries, code lists, XML and RDF schemas.

Nicola Guarino

His emphasis on formal rigor in specifying the type of knowledge that was eventually to be called "ontologies" by computer scientists, led him to the field of formal ontology in philosophy, where he began to study the metaphysics literature, focusing on the work of such notables as Quine, Strawson, and especially Simons.

Ontology learning

Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between those concepts from a corpus of natural language text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy retrieval.

Semantic similarity

The library is generic as it can be used on multiple ontologies/terminologies e.g. Gene Ontology, Medical Subject Headings, SNOMED CT, WordNet, or semantic graphs expressed in RDF Schema, Web Ontology Language, Open Biomedical Ontologies languages.

Semantic spectrum

in collaboration with the panelists (Fritz, Mike Uschold, Mike Gruninger, and Deborah McGuinness) came up with a "spectrum" of kinds of information systems that were, at the time, referred to as ontologies.

see also