
unusual facts about ontology

Brihad Bhagavatamrita

While Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa sets out guidance for Vaishnava behavior and ritual, Brihad-bhagavatamrita contains an analysis of the teachings of Chaitanya from an ontological and metaphysical perspective.

Adriana Cavarero

Appreciated and discussed by Judith Butler in Giving an Account of Oneself, this book, by contrasting the sovereign subject of the metaphysical tradition, confronts with the urge of rethinking politics and ethics in terms of a relational ontology, characterized by reciprocal exposure, dependence and vulnerability of an incarnated self who postulates the other as necessary.

Bjørnar Olsen

Olsen has published 10 books (and close to 160 scientific papers), including Archaeology: The Discipline of Things (2012 with Michael Shanks (archaeologist), Timothy Webmoor and Christopher Witmore), In Defense of Things. Archaeology and the Ontology of Objects (2010), and Persistent memories: Pyramiden – a Soviet mining town in the High Arctic (2010, with Elin Andreassen and Hein Bjerck; see Pyramiden) .

Collin College

Dr. Levi Bryant - Continental philosopher, influential figure of the Speculative Realism and Object-Oriented Ontology movements

Core ontology

Most applicable to teaching, e.g. the Longmans defining dictionary of the simplest meanings of 2,000 English words is used to define the 4,000 most basic English idioms -- this is a core glossary of the English language, which permits access to the core ontology (the idioms).


Grünbaum, Adolf (1973): Geometrodynamics and Ontology, The Journal of Philosophy, vol.

Graham Harman

However, drawing on phenomenology, he does distinguish between two categories of objects: real objects and sensual objects (or intentional objects), which sets his philosophy apart from the flat ontology of Bruno Latour.

Information Processing Techniques Office

LifeLog, an IPTO project "to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships" by creating "an ontology-based (sub)system that captures, stores, and makes accessible the flow of one person’s experience in and interactions with the world in order to support a broad spectrum of associates/assistants and other system capabilities."

Jonathan Borden

He is an advisor for the Science Directorate of NASA, has been an invited expert for the World Wide Web Consortium Web Ontology Working Group and has been actively involved in the development and standardization of XML based electronic medical records.

Karl E. Weick

A loose coupling is what makes it possible for these ontologically incompatible entities to exist and act on each other, without shattering (akin to Castoriadis's idea of 'articulation').


For instance Werner Heisenberg said "The ontology of materialism rested upon the illusion that the kind of existence, the direct 'actuality' of the world around us, can be extrapolated into the atomic range. This extrapolation, however, is impossible... atoms are not things."


For Emmanuel Levinas, what was meontological was what had meaning beyond being, beyond ontology; for him this was the ethical, the primary demand of the other in the face-to-face encounter.

Nicola Guarino

Nicola Guarino (born Messina, 1954) is an Italian computer scientist and researcher in the area of Formal Ontology for Information Systems, and the head of the Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), part of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Trento.

His emphasis on formal rigor in specifying the type of knowledge that was eventually to be called "ontologies" by computer scientists, led him to the field of formal ontology in philosophy, where he began to study the metaphysics literature, focusing on the work of such notables as Quine, Strawson, and especially Simons.

Ontology learning

Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between those concepts from a corpus of natural language text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy retrieval.


Reism or concretism is a philosophical theory of Tadeusz Kotarbiński, based on the ontology of Stanislaw Lesniewski, specifically, his "calculus of names".

Soft ontology

The term soft ontology, coined by Eli Hirsch in 1993, refers to the embracing or reconciling of apparent ontological differences, by means of relevant distinctions and contextual analyses.

Software architecture

An ontology for micro-architectural design knowledge, IEEE Software Magazine, Volume: 22, Issue: 2, March–April 2005.

Software mining

Object Management Group (OMG) developed specification Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM) which defines an ontology for software assets and their relationships for the purpose of performing knowledge discovery of existing code.

Universal dialectic

Universal dialectic is an ontological idea which is closely related to the Taoist and Neo-Confucian concept of taiji or "supreme ultimate." In the West, dialecticians including Hegel explored themes that some see as remarkably similar, laying the groundwork for unification.

Ventimiglia Giovanni

born in Palermo July 20, 1964 and from the House of Ventimiglia is an Italian philosopher, working on ontology, Thomism and their interface with the continental and analytical traditions.


Yogacara, or Wei Shi in Chinese, a school of Buddhist philosophy and psychology emphasizing phenomenology and ontology

Yves A. Lussier

As a co-founder of Purkinje, he pioneered the commercial use of controlled medical vocabulary organized as directed semantic networks in electronic medical records (1st clinical ontology available commercially), as well as Pen computing for clinicians.

see also