
2 unusual facts about optic nerve

Optic nerve

Glaucoma is a group of diseases involving loss of retinal ganglion cells causing optic neuropathy in a pattern of peripheral vision loss, initially sparing central vision.

Optic nerve hypoplasia is the underdevelopment of the optic nerve causing little to no vision in the affected eye.

Intraocular pressure

Ocular hypertension (OHT) is defined by intraocular pressure being higher than normal, in the absence of optic nerve damage or visual field loss.

Lamina cribrosa

Lamina cribrosa sclerae, a mesh-like structures which allows nerve fibres of the optic nerve to pass through the sclera

see also

Anonima group

A recent reconsideration and recontextualization of Op Art, the expansive 2006 Optic Nerve exhibit at the Columbus Museum of Art, places the Anonima as the sole American collaborative group, along with the European Zero Group, Gruppo N, GRAV and others, who were examining new optical information at that time.

Potassium spatial buffering

In the study, optic nerve of Necturus was dissected to document the long-distance movement of potassium after the nerve stimulation.

Reginald H. Neal

Neal participated in The Responsive Eye, (Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1965) and Optic Nerve: Perceptual Art of the 1960s (Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, 2007).

Tulio Enrique León

In 1947, after his eyesight was examined in the United States by the Spanish ophthalmologist, Ramon Castroviejo, he was diagnosed with blindness due to optic nerve atrophy.