
unusual facts about outage

2002 NRL Grand Final

A pre-match performance by Billy Idol was attempted but due to a power outage had to be aborted.

2003 Italy blackout

Only part of the Geneva Canton of Switzerland suffered a power outage for three hours.

2009 Sidekick data loss

Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer disputed whether there had ever been a data loss, instead describing it as an outage.

Circuit reliability

Circuit reliability is given by where T o is the circuit total outage time, Ts is the circuit total scheduled time, and T a is the circuit total available time.

Click of death

If the drive had its power removed inadvertently by being unplugged or power outage, the read/write heads were pulled off the disk by a power-loss circuit.

Death of a Ghost

Albert Campion, a friend of Belle and the family, persuades her to attend the show, just in time to be there when Tommy is stabbed to death during a power outage.

Marshall Kirk McKusick

More recently, he implemented soft updates, an alternative approach to maintaining disk integrity after a crash or power outage, in FFS, and a revised version of UFS known as "UFS2".

Oracle VM Server for SPARC

When hosts are connected to a shared storage (SAN or NAS), running guest domains can be securely live migrated between servers without outage (starting with Oracle VM Server for SPARC version 2.1).

Silver Peak, Nevada

In the first major act of the power crisis causing an outage, on March 25, 1999, Enron energy traders allegedly rerouted 2,900MW (megawatts) of electricity destined for California to this small Nevada community.

Wheels of Steel

"747 (Strangers in the Night)" is about a power cut that forced planes in New York to remain in ascent in 1965 with the power outage provoking a Scandinavian flight to detour to Kennedy airport in the dark.

see also