
unusual facts about parasites

Alan Fairlamb

Professor Alan Fairlamb, and his team study the protozoan parasites causing three different diseases - sleeping sickness, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis.

Blue-gray Tanager

Two other birds, examined near Turbo (also in Colombia), did not have blood parasites.

Boops boops

Bogue are host to a wide variety of parasites, ranging from metazoans such as Digenean flatworms, Acanthocephalan spiny-headed worms, nematode roundworms, isopod and copepod crustaceans and Myxozoan cnidarians to the unicellular dinoflagellate Ichthyodinium chabelardi, a parasite that is lethal to eggs developing in ovaries.

Crimson-backed Tanager

A field study on blood parasites found that two individual Crimson-backed Tanagers (out of twelve tested) bore Plasmodium, with the study concluding the overall rate was low compared with studies done elsewhere.

Cyril Garnham

Garnham created the subgenus Vinckeia of Plasmodium to accommodate the mammalian parasites other than those infecting primates, i.e. Plasmodium species infecting mammals other than primates.

Delusional parasitosis

In Scott Sigler's novels Infected and Contagious, skin infestations by alien parasites are discounted as delusional parasitosis, specifically Morgellons.

Elodie Ghedin

Her work focuses on the molecular biology of the parasites that cause diseases such as leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, Chagas disease, elephantiasis, and river blindness.

Emery's Rule

In 1909, the entomologist Carlo Emery noted that social parasites among insects (e.g., cleptoparasites) tend to be parasites of species or genera to which they are closely related.

European pond turtle

This species hosts several species of parasites, including Haemogregarina stepanovi, monogeneans of genus Polystomoides, vascular trematodes of genus Spirhapalum and many nematode species.

Evolution of sexual reproduction

In other words, like Lewis Carroll's Red Queen, sexual hosts are continually adapting in order to stay ahead of their parasites.

Georgina Sweet

Her early research was supervised by Baldwin Spencer and was on Australian fauna, but her later studies were based in the veterinary department working on parasites.

Haminoea japonica

The parasites of Haminoea japonica include an avian schistosome, which has been implicated in human cercarial dermatitis in San Francisco Bay, California.

Hemipenthes morio

The larvae are hyperparasites (parasites of parasites), mainly developing in larvae of flies (Diptera, Tachinidae), as well as in wasp larvae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) parasitizing caterpillars moths (Noctuidae).


Because the feeding process of the Plasmodium parasites damages red blood cells, malaria is sometimes called "parasitic hemolysis" in medical literature.

In vivo hemolysis can be caused by a large number of medical conditions, including many Gram-positive bacteria (e.g., Streptococcus, Enterococcus, and Staphylococcus), some parasites (e.g., Plasmodium), some autoimmune disorders (e.g., drug-induced hemolytic anemia), some genetic disorders (e.g., Sickle-cell disease or G6PD deficiency), or blood with too low a solute concentration (hypotonic to cells).


Two species of Hippoboscidae – Ornithoica (Ornithoica) podargi and Ornithomya fuscipennis are also common parasites of the Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) of Australia.


Parasites of Hydroides include sea snails from the genus Fargoa.

Hyper Police

The names of Natsuki's parasites are Fujin and Raijin (named after the Japanese gods of Wind and Thunder).

Ixodes scapularis

Ticks that transmit Borrelia burgdorferi to humans can also carry and transmit several other parasites, such as Theileria microti and Anaplasma phagocytophilum, which cause the diseases babesiosis and human granulocytic anaplasmosis, respectively.

Larva migrans

Cutaneous larva migrans, a skin disease in humans, caused by the larvae of various nematode parasites


Some species of Loranthus, in the broad sense, are troublesome parasites, for example they occur in Kerala India as a menace on mango trees (Mangifera indica), a majority of the Anogeissus latifolia trees in the Biligirirangan Hills of Karnataka are infected by Loranthus sp.

Lydia Maria Adams DeWitt

At the University of Chicago, DeWitt and her team worked on developing a drug to treat tuberculosis based on the work of Paul Erlich, who developed a treatment for syphilis by chemically modifying a dye that would stain parasites.

Metroid Fusion

The vaccine cures Samus and not only gives her the ability to absorb and use the nuclei of X Parasites for nourishment (the Metroids were the main predators of the X prior to their extermination by Samus on SR388), but also the Metroid's vulnerability to extremely cold temperatures.

Parsnip River

Three parasites (Ceratomyxa shasta, Cryptobia salmositica, and Haemogregarina irkalukpiki) were identified as posing the greatest threat to the fisheries resources of the immediate area and also to the downstream areas.

Red-eyed Vireo

and trypanosomans might affect these birds not infrequently, as was noted in studies of birds caught in Parque Nacional de La Macarena and near Turbo (Colombia): though only three Red-eyed Vireos were examined, all were infected with at least one of these parasites.

Slices of Life

"Sexual parasites, disembowelment, zombies, serial killers, demon children, violent vixens, rabid office workers, aliens, mummies, skeleton warriors, vampires, werewolves, dragons, medusa, beasts, giants, robots, cyclops' and angry mmbryos all spring to life from the flesh covered sketch books featured in Anthony G. Sumner’s (Gallery of Fear) Slices of Life.


Some species of spirochiids are parasites of freshwater snail Indoplanorbis exustus.

The Puppet Masters

The 1998 film The Faculty, directed by Robert Rodriguez from a Kevin Williamson screenplay, is about a fictional high school at which the faculty and staff become taken over by alien parasites.

The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun

Upon arriving at the glacier, Zak is attacked by a mixture of Argost's men and Shoji Fuzen's men (who were apparently under the control of neural parasites) but used a Waheela to defeat them and used a Adaro to fight off Tatzelwurms and Komodo to help navigate difficult terrain.

Tolerance to infections

Disease resistance is the host trait that prevents infection or reduces the number of pathogens, parasites and herbivores within or on a host.

Tore Tvedt

In 2006, Tvedt was convicted and received a suspended 45 day jail sentence for violation of the Norwegian racism paragraph due to a 2003 interview with Verdens Gang where he referred to Jews as "evil murderers" and "parasites which will be cleaned out".


The subgenus Vinckeia was created by Garnham in 1964 to accommodate the mammalian parasites other than those infecting the primates.

see also