Central processing unit | central processing unit | signal processing | Digital signal processing | digital signal processing | Automatic Data Processing | Infrared Processing and Analysis Center | food processing | Transaction Processing Facility | natural language processing | Batch processing | United States Military Entrance Processing Command | processing | Natural language processing | Food processing | Signal processing | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard | parallel processing | Food Processing | AMD Accelerated Processing Unit | Volumetric Imaging and Processing of Integrated Radar | Video post-processing | Transporter associated with antigen processing | Signal Processing | post-processing | Photographic processing | Payment on Demand | Network Processing Forum | Information Processing Techniques Office | Graphics processing unit |
Initially, INETCO specialized in communications gateway products for dial-up point of sale and automated teller machine terminals, legacy network protocols to TCP/IP networks, transaction hosts and switches, and third-party electronic funds transfer processors for banking and payment processing.
Jared Isaacman is the founder and CEO of United Bank Card, Inc. (UBC), a payment processing organization based in Allentown, PA.
Monexgroup, a payment processing company in Toronto, Ontario
Snorrason Holdings, Icelandic holding company with primary interests in online payment processing