Guido M. Schuster is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR), Rapperswil, St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he focuses on digital signal processing and wireless sensor networks.
According to Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, the principles of signal processing can be found in the classical numerical analysis techniques of the 17th century.
Central processing unit | central processing unit | signal processing | Digital signal processor | Digital signal processing | digital signal processing | Automatic Data Processing | Infrared Processing and Analysis Center | food processing | Digital Signal 1 | Bat-Signal | Transaction Processing Facility | "Signal Hill" | natural language processing | Busy Signal | Battle of Signal Hill Vietnam | Batch processing | Analog signal | United States Military Entrance Processing Command | Union Switch & Signal | The Signal (2007 film) | The Signal | Signal Mountain | Signal Hill | processing | Natural language processing | Food processing | Extracellular signal-regulated kinases | digital signal processor | Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company Ltd |
Bandwidth expansion is a technique for widening the bandwidth or the resonances in an LPC filter.
The control track encodes a series of pulses, each pulse corresponding to the beginning of each frame.
Robotics, Communications, Connectors, Amplifiers, Embedded Design, Filters, Power, Test & Measurement, RF and Microwave Design, Touchscreen and Display Technologies, Microcontrollers, Systems and Components in Green Energy generation, Designing with Programmable Logic, Designing with Sensors, Audio, Analog Design, Medical Electronics, Signal Processing
Fredholm equations arise naturally in the theory of signal processing, most notably as the famous spectral concentration problem popularized by David Slepian.
Fredric J. Harris (or, as he prefers to spell his name, fred harris) is a professor of Electrical engineering and CUBIC signal processing chair at San Diego State University and an internationally renowned expert on DSP and Communication Systems.
He has also been working with semiconductor companies that patent some of his technologies: UK patent on Feedback controller for PWM amplifier, International patent on a signal processing circuit.
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers research concerned with mathematically rigorous system theoretic aspects of control and signal processing.
In signal processing, the multitaper method is a technique developed by David J. Thomson to estimate the power spectrum SX of a stationary ergodic finite-variance random process X, given a finite contiguous realization of X as data.
Patrick N. Keating is a theoretical physicist who has contributed to several fields of solid-state physics, including semiconductors, semi-insulators and the basic properties of solid materials, and to other fields including optics, liquid crystals, acoustic holography, and signal processing.
Sanjeev Ramesh Kulkarni (born Mumbai, India, September 21, 1963) is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, where he teaches and conducts research in a broad range of areas including statistical inference, pattern recognition, machine learning, information theory, and signal/image processing.
They are the forms originally used by Joseph Fourier and are still preferred in some applications, such as signal processing or statistics.
Specifically, he collaborated with Yves Meyer to develop the Multiresolution Analysis (MRA) construction for compactly supported wavelets, which made the implementation of wavelets practical for engineering applications by demonstrating the equivalence of wavelet bases and conjugate mirror filters used in discrete, multirate filter banks in signal processing.
Bilinear transform, a method of transforming from the S to Z domain in control theory and signal processing
Bilinear transform (Signal Processing), used to transform continuous time signal to discrete time
Current activities include designing high-performance discrete AD/DA converters and analogue signal processing circuits, DSP algorithms, class D power amplifiers and switch-mode power supplies.
Stéphane Mallat, "A wavelet tour of signal processing" 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 1999, ISBN 0-12-466606-X
M. Haldun Ozaktas, Zeev Zalevsky and M. Alper Kutay, “The fractional Fourier transform with applications in optics and signal processing,” JOHN WILEY & SONS, LTD, New York, 2001.
In 1999, he was awarded the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award (Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Area) for a paper he co-authored on watermarking.
Morlet graduated from the École Polytechnique in 1952 and was research engineer at Elf when he invented wavelets to solve signal processing problems for oil prospection.
Nichols plot, a plot used in signal processing and control design
The Numerical Recipes books cover a range of topics that include both classical numerical analysis (interpolation, integration, linear algebra, differential equations, and so on), signal processing (Fourier methods, filtering), statistical treatment of data, and a few topics in machine learning (hidden Markov models, support vector machines).
Spurious products are the result of harmonic or non-harmonic distortion in the creation of the output waveform due to non-linear numerical effects in the signal processing chain.
The P-14 was exported and is occasionally still found in service, several companies have offered upgrade options for the system, including replacement of outdated components with modern systems, such as digital MTI, modern PC based signal processing/display and solid state components.
It is primarily employed to simulate signal processing applications and generate code for multi-core Digital Signal Processors.
It is located in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, and focuses on researching better perceptual signal processing techniques, particularly in regards to DSP, Perception, and Software.
In 1995, she joined Comverse Technology as the head of research group at the Signal-Processing Department, and later on was appointed the director of marketing of the Speech technologies and Signal Processing.
He has worked in many aspects of signal processing and was a co-founder of Foveon Inc.,
The primary focus of Pinkston's research has been in developing software and hardware for real-time synthesis and digital signal processing, including substantial work involving the Csound audio programming language, including Csound user interface software, numerous tutorials, and example Csound instruments.
Early work in time–frequency analysis can be seen in the Haar wavelets (1909) of Alfréd Haar, though these were not significantly applied to signal processing.
An architecture designed for use in signal processing may have a number of special-purpose instructions to facilitate certain complicated operations such as fast Fourier transform (FFT) computation or certain calculations that recur in tomographic contexts.
Giannakis G.B & Serpendin E: A bibliography on nonlinear system identification. Signal Processing, 81 2001 533–580.