
unusual facts about pelvis


human pelvis |

Brian Stemmle

He fought back from a broken pelvis, massive internal injuries and infection by winning a gold medal at the 1990 Winter Pan American Games in Las Leñas, Argentina.

Charles Thomas Campbell

Campbell was hit in the right arm, pelvis, and left leg, and was captured by Confederate soldiers.

Eleventh finger

Pelvic digit, a congenital anomaly in humans, in which bone tissue develops in the soft tissue near the pelvis

Homo heidelbergensis

A complete pelvis (pelvis 1), nicknamed Elvis, in remembrance of Elvis Presley.

Levi LaVallee

On Friday December 17, 2010 Lavallee suffered a broken pelvis, and punctured lung during a practice run for Red Bull New Year No Limits, and was unable to make his record setting attempt during the planned special New Years telecast.


In the 1950s, Swiss paleontologist Johannes Hürzeler discovered a complete skeleton in Baccinello and claimed it was a true hominid — based on its short jaws and reduced canines, at the time considered diagnostic of the hominid family — and a biped — since the short pelvis was closer to those of hominids than those of chimpanzees and gorillas.

Pneumatic Institution

By 1794 Beddoes had arranged for the manufacture of suitable apparatus by the firm of Boulton and Watt and the first of the "pneumatic patients" was a Mr Knight of Painswick, whom Beddoes treated with "unrespirable airs" for a deep-seated ulcer of the pelvis.

Superior gluteal nerve

The opposite, when the pelvis is elevated on the swing side, is known as Duchenne limp.

Tapantí National Park

All three species, L. graciosa, L. machogaffensis, and L. pelvis, are miniature orchids and neither is longer than 5 mm.

see also