
unusual facts about perches


Ahmed Al Safi

Known for his attenuated figures cast in bronze, Al Safi's representations of men strive to fly, leap or balance on precarious perches, perhaps reflecting the complex moral balancing act required of so many Iraqis during Saddam Hussein's murderous reign.

Australian Owlet-nightjar

The Australian Owlet-nightjar feeds at night by diving from perches and snatching insects from the air, ground or off trunks and branches, in the manner of a flycatcher.

Douglas Edwards

CBS News historian Gary Paul Gates, in Air Time: The Inside Story of CBS News, recorded a conversation between veteran CBS and NBC news executives musing over the shift from Edwards and Swayze to the Huntley-Brinkley and Cronkite newscasts, and Edwards's continuation at CBS compared to Swayze's later familiarity as a pitchman for Timex, after both men had fallen from their formerly lofty television perches.

Jedediah Buxton

He measured the whole lordship of Elmton, consisting of some thousand acres (4 km²), simply by striding over it, and gave the area not only in acres, roods and perches, but even in square inches.

José Perches Enríquez

José Perches Enríquez or José Perches (1883 – 1939) was a Mexican musician and composer.


Stonechats, willow warblers and wood warblers sing from perches just off the path but the robins and chaffinches are far bolder and will hop around the path just two feet away from human visitors.

My Cat from Hell

Certain cats (whom he calls "tree-dwelling cats") behave better when they have access to above-ground perches, and he often instructs owners of such cats to install an above-the-floor walkway with no dead ends, in order to provide these cats with the psychological comfort of escape routes.

Sacramento perch

Although called the Sacramento perch, A. interruptus is not a perch strictly speaking; the perches are members of the genus Perca in family Percidae.

Silphium laciniatum

The Eastern Kingbird perches on the tall plant to watch for insect prey.

Southern Carmine Bee-eater

Perches may include branches of vegetation or even the backs of large animals, such as the Kori Bustard.

Walton Hall Park

The larger lake has two islands and is inhabited by several large carps, bream and tench fishes as well as a large amount of skimmer breams, roaches and perches.


The Composition of Yards and Perches belongs to a class of documents known as Statutes of uncertain date generally thought to be from c.

see also