
unusual facts about petitioner


Arlington Central School District Board of Education v. Murphy

The respondents, Pearl and Theodore Murphy of LaGrange, New York, sued the petitioner, Arlington Central School District, seeking to require them to pay for their child's private school tuition under IDEA.

Cleburne, Texas

In 1985, the city was the petitioner in the U.S. Supreme Court case City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center, Inc. after being sued over a special-use permit.

Cort v. Ash

Defendant/petitioner Stewart S. Cort, chairman of the board of directors of Bethlehem Steel Corporation, published a series of political advertisements in nineteen local newspapers where the company had plants, as well as several national publications (including Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report).

Exclusion Bill Parliament

This agitation was opposed by George Jeffreys and Francis Wythens, who presented addresses expressing abhorrence of the petitioners, thus initiating the movement of the Abhorrers, who supported the actions of the king.

Facing Ali

The Justices decided 8-0 (with Thurgood Marshall abstaining), that "... for the reasons stated, that the Department of Justice was simply wrong as a matter of law in advising that the petitioner's beliefs were not religiously based and were not sincerely held".

Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co.

Festo Corporation (petitioner) possessed patents for an industrial device.

Immediato v. Rye Neck School District

Immediato v. Rye Neck School District, 873 F. Supp. 846 (2d. Cir. 1996) was a Second Circuit Court of Appeals case involving the petitioner, a boy named Daniel Immediato and his parents, Eugene and Diane Immediato, against the respondent, Rye Neck School District in the village of Mamaroneck, New York.

Jimmy L. Glass

He is probably best known not for his crime, but as petitioner in the U.S. Supreme Court case Glass v. Louisiana.

Leary v. United States

On December 20, 1965, petitioner left New York by automobile, intending a vacation trip to the Mexican state of Yucatán.


John Merryman (1824–1881), the petitioner in one of the best known habeas corpus cases of the American Civil War

Morse v. Frederick

Deputy Solicitor-General Edwin Kneedler spoke on behalf of the U.S. government in support of the petitioner.

MT Vector

On December 19, 1987, motor tanker MT Vector left Limay, Bataan, at about 8:00 p.m., en route to Masbate, loaded with 8,800 barrels of petroleum products shipped by petitioner Caltex.

Munni Badnaam Hui

In December 2010, a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed in the Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court, with the petitioner asking for a ban of the song, claiming it was "indecent" and "immoral".

Nollan v. California Coastal Commission

"Without question, had the city simply required petitioner to dedicate a strip of land along Fanno Creek for public use, rather than conditioning the grant of her permit to redevelop her property on such a dedication, a taking would have occurred", the Court held.

Prometheus Radio Project v. FCC

Judges Anthony Joseph Scirica, Thomas L. Ambro and Julio M. Fuentes were present for the case, and commented that normally they would adhere strictly to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 18, that the petitioner move first before the agency that would stay its order, but in this case it seemed virtually certain that the FCC would not grant a stay in this matter.

The Kenya Presidential Election Petition 2013

The main petitioner Raila Odinga in a press conference shortly after the results were announced on 9 March in a Speech he titled 'democracy on trial' noted that the election had been marred by massive failures by the BVR kits, Pollbooks, tallying system and transmissions system.

U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton

; Winston Bryant, Attorney General of Arkansas, Petitioner v. Bobbie E. Hill, et al.

Vincent R. Capodanno

In May 2004 the Initial Documentation was submitted to The Congregation for the Causes of Saints with CatholicMil, later renamed Mission Capodanno, acting as Petitioner and Father Daniel Mode named Postulator.

see also