
unusual facts about pilaster



Once again the portico was based on the ancient Russian connotations and the pilaster was copied from an archaeological finding in Taman that dates to Byzantine times.

Italian Neoclassical and 19th-century art

Orderly arrangements of columns, pilasters and lintels, as well as the use of semicircular arches, hemispherical domes, niches and aedicules replaced the more complex proportional systems and irregular profiles of medieval buildings.


The veranda had two pillars and two pilasters with pot capitals of the Satakarni period (B.C. 90-A.D. 300), of which only the right broken pilaster and a trace of the base of the right pillar remain.

Mary Van Duzer-Sayer House

Surrounding rooms have many intact original features and woodwork, including two Adamesque mantels supported by fluted pilasters.

Provost's House, Trinity College, Dublin

It has a Palladian design with a central Venetian window and doric pilasters and is similar to that built by Lord Burlington for General Wade (now demolished) in London in the 1830s, who in turn copied a drawing by Andrea Palladio.

St. Paul's, Deptford

The most unusual feature of the building is the cylindrical tower with a steeple, around which is wrapped a semi-circular portico of four giant Tuscan columns; colossal pilasters articulate the body of the church facades.The steeple embedded in the plane of the church wall echoes the apse at the east end.

see also