
unusual facts about pillory


When permanently present in sight of prisoners, it was thought to act as a deterrent against bad behaviour, especially when each prisoner had been subjected to a "welcome beating" on arrival, as in 18th-century Waldheim in Saxony (12, 18 or 24 whip lashes on the bare posterior tied to a pole in the castle courtyard, or by birch rod over the "bock", a bench in the corner).


pillory |

Barry Douglas Lamb

Mid-way through 2005 though, he re-emerged with an appearance on the Jasun Martz (former Frank Zappa sidekick) album The Pillory / The Battle playing mellotron and wind synth as well as releasing a brand new album entitled It's All About Purpose on the Six Armed Man label.

Everdon Priory

They had been taking a mark (money) for offences against the Assize of Bread and Ale, which regulated quantities and prices of these basic commodities; the culprits should have been subjected to the tumbril and pillory, instead of which the monks had been using convictions as a source of profit for their order.

Mascate War

These forces, thickened in Afogados with reinforcements from São Lourenço and Olinda, under the leadership of Bernardo Vieira de Melo and his father, Colonel Leonardo Bezerra Cavalcanti, invaded Recife, demolishing the pillory, tearing the Provincial regal, freeing arrested and persecuting people connected to the governor Sebastião de Castro Caldas Barbosa (peddlers).

Mohammad Usman Rana

He used the case of then-bishop-elect of Oslo Ole Christian Kvarme as an example, claiming that Kvarme was exposed to the "pillory of modern society" when commentators largely denounced his Conservative Christian views.


in Schlüsselfeld: the Town Gate Tower with remains of the town wall and two round towers, the Petrusbrunnen (fountain), the Old Town Hall with pillory, the New Town Hall, the Gothic parish church, the Klein-Mariazell im Steigerwald church (with a copy of the Icon of Mariazell in the Steiermark, Austria)

Urbain Gohier

He wrote articles for the pro-fascist parfumier François Coty in the anti-Semitic newspaper The Pillory, wherein he denounced the "Jewish complicity" of Le Figaro and "Judeo-Bolshevik" conspiracies.

see also