
unusual facts about pincer movement

Battle of Fraustadt

The Swedish success in the battle was due mainly because Rehnskiöld had effectively neutralized the Saxon infantry, who were superior in numbers at the start of the battle, while at the same time the Swedish cavalry under the leadership of Hummerhielm and von Krassow succeeded in performing a pincer movement.

Battle of Walaja

Khalid decisively defeated the numerically superior Persian forces using a variation of the double envelopment tactical manoeuvre, similar to the manoeuvre Hannibal used to defeat the Roman forces at the Battle of Cannae; however, Khalid is said to have developed his version independently.

see also

Operation Undeniable Victory

They intended to use a pincer movement to encircle Iraqi forces around the Iranian town of Shush, which was under Iraqi control.


On the route from Sari to Amul, the Sarbadar army was trapped in a pincer movement, and Mas'ud was taken prisoner and executed.