
unusual facts about plasma physics

Bruno Coppi

Bruno Coppi (born 19 November 1935 in Gonzaga, Lombardy, Italy) is an Italian-American physicist specializing in plasma physics.

Fred Tappert

Tappert began his scientific career in the field of plasma physics, receiving his Ph. D. from Princeton University in 1967.

Vera Yurasova

Later, she had particularly close scientific links with the theorist Oleg Firsov, with whom she also worked in the Russian Academy of Sciences Council for Plasma Physics.

see also

David A. Frank-Kamenetskii

Between 1956 and 1970 Frank-Kamenetskii was the head of a laboratory in the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy and organized and headed the Department of Plasma Physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Dense plasma focus

Experiments and computer simulations to investigate the capability of DPF for fusion power are underway at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics (LPP) under the direction of Eric Lerner, who explained his "Focus Fusion" approach in a 2007 Google Tech Talk.

European Physical Journal D

The European Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics is an academic journal recognized by the European Physical Society, presenting new and original research results.

Padma Kant Shukla

He held a Ph.D. in Physics from Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi, India and a second doctorate in Theoretical Plasma Physics from Umeå University (UmU) in Sweden.

Phil Morrison

Philip J. Morrison (born 1950), American physicist in the field of hydrodynamics and plasma physics and a professor at the University of Texas

Radu Bălescu

Radu Bălescu (Bucharest, 18 July 1932 – 1 June 2006, Bucharest) was a Romanian and Belgian (Belgian since 1959) scientist and professor at the Statistical and Plasma Physics group of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

Theodor V. Ionescu

Thus, the history of plasma physics in Romania began in 1923 with the defense of the first PhD thesis in physics at the University of Iaşi by Theodor V. Ionescu, under the guidance of Professor Petru Bogdan.

William L. Kruer

Starting in 1972 he was a group leader for theoretical plasma physics and simulation at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and from 1993 a chief scientist in plasma physics there.