
unusual facts about physics engine

Physics engine

There is a constant Brownian motion jitter to all particles in our universe as the forces push back and forth against each other.

Dead or Alive 2

A popular and commonly discussed feature, one credited to Tomonobu Itagaki, was the level of graphical detail Tecmo put into the animated breasts of the female characters, as Tecmo went so far as to create a physics engine dedicated entirely to the animation of the female characters' breasts.

Lénárt sphere

Following Glen Van Brummelen (Reference 1 below, p. 129, stereographic projection), spherical trigonometry, though certainly no longer relevant to the older scientific needs of navigation, astronomy, geography, etc., other than as historical mathematics, has nevertheless seen a "rebirth" today due to simulation, game programming, Autodesk Maya, kinematics, physics engines, and many other new fields as diverse as optics, photography, art and medicine.


Phun is a 2D physics engine created by Emil Ernerfeldt for his master thesis while he was studying at Umeå University in Sweden.

see also


The development team used Havok's Vision Engine 8 graphics engine, NVidia's PhysX physics engine, and Xaitment's XaitMap and XaitControl AI programs to create the game.

Player Project

Gazebo integrated the ODE physics engine, OpenGL rendering, and support code for sensor simulation and actuator control.

Scythe Physics Editor

Physics Abstraction Layer, a physics engine abstraction system to provide a uniform programming interface to multiple physics engines.