
unusual facts about plunder

'Imran ibn Shahin

War between the two sides resumed in the summer 971, when 'Izz al-Daula's vizier Abu'l-Fadl suggested carrying out an attack against the Batihah in an effort to plunder the robber-state and relieve the Buyids' financial troubles.

1708 in piracy

The Parliament of Great Britain passes an act prohibiting the British government from accepting plunder taken by privateers.


He was sent by Nero in 64 AD to Asia and Achaea to plunder the temples and take away the statues of the gods.

Anglo Marri wars

In 1880 CE, during the Second Afghan War Marri tribesmen made frequent raids on the British line of communications, ending with the plunder of a treasure convoy.


Auisle is first noticed in the Irish annals in 863 when, along with Amlaíb and Ímar, he led an army to plunder the pre-historic tombs of Brú na Bóinne.

Bugallon, Pangasinan

Chairman Fernando Alimagno filed on December 14, 2012, at the Ombudsman of the Philippines plunder case against Pangasinan Governor Amado Espino, Jr..

Charles Cousin-Montauban, Comte de Palikao

The allegation that he had acquired a vast fortune by the plunder of the Peking Summer Palace seems to have been without foundation.

David Kalisch

Berlin bei Nacht, Junger Zunder, Alter Plunder, Aurora im Oel, Münchhausen, Peschke, Ein Gebildeter Hausknecht, Der Aktienbudiker, Berlin, Wie es Weint und Lacht, Einer von Unsere Leut, Berlin Wird Weltstadt, Die Berliner in Wien, Der Goldonkel, and Musikalische Unterhaltung.


In Ezekiel 38:13, Dedan is joined with Sheba, and "Tarshish and all her strong lions", all these nations joining together to inquire of the advancing armies of Gog: "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?"


Subsequent excavations (following partly successful attempts to plunder the unexcavated tombs) unearthed the unique and exquisite Dendra panoply of bronze armour, currently exhibited at the Archaeological Museum in nearby Nafplio.

Étienne François, duc de Choiseul

English writer Horace Walpole, in his Memoirs, gives a vivid description of the duke's character, accuses him of having caused the Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774), as a revenge on tsarina Catherine II, and says of his foreign policy: "he would project and determine the ruin of a country, but could not meditate a little mischief or a narrow benefit. ... He dissipated the nation's wealth and his own; but did not repair the latter by plunder of the former".

Euphemia of Münsterberg

In order to revenge, the Duchess ordened Sigismund of Rachenau, the castellan of Neuhaus (Chałupki) to plunder and burn the monastery of Heinrichau in 1438.

Falling Joys

Miles and Merrilees left the band in late 1985 and Robertson and Higgie who worked at ABC TV Canberra, continued the band with Hayes, a member of a well-known Canberran musical family (including Bernie Hayes and Anthony Hayes aka Stevie Plunder) and Peter Velzen, who was playing at the time with the Plunderers alongside Nic Dalton and Plunder.

Hans Schleif

In 1939 Schleif worked as "General Trustee for securing of german cultural goods in the former Polish territory" together with Ernst Petersen in the plunder of the Warsaw archaeological museum in Lazienki Park.

History of Pernambuco

The English privateer James Lancaster, after picking up a chance-met separate squadron under Captain Henry Middleton, led an assault landing, seized the town of Recife and (with the assistance of a flotilla of Dutch traders who also threw in their lot with him) held it for several weeks, sailing away with the cargo of an East Indian carrack along with local plunder such as brazil-wood.


In the summer of 166, while the Romans were tied down in a war with Parthia, the peoples north of the Danube, the Marcomanni, the Naristi, the Vandals, the Hermanduri, the Lombards and the Quadi, all swept south over the Danube to invade and plunder the exposed Roman provinces.

Lucius Alienus

According to the Roman historian Livy, he accused Gaius Veturius Cicurinus, the consul of the previous year, of illegally selling the plunder which had been gained in war (instead of distributing it among the soldiery), and placing the amount in the Aerarium.

Malise mac Gilleain

There the forces were divided, fifty ships being sent south to the Mull of Kintyre to plunder.

Maurikios Chartoularios

In 643, Maurikios, now the dux of Rome, attempted to repeat his successful action, but this time he was determined to not share any of the plunder with anyone.

Operation Plunder

Beginning on the night of 23 March 1945, Operation Plunder was the crossing of the River Rhine at Rees, Wesel, and south of the Lippe River by the British 2nd Army, under Lieutenant-General Miles Dempsey (Operations Turnscrew, Widgeon, and Torchlight), and the U.S. Ninth Army (Operation Flashpoint), under Lieutenant General William Simpson.

Osman Mahamuud

Due to consistent ship crashes along the northeastern Cape Guardafui headland, Boqor Osman's kingdom entered into an informal agreement with Britain, wherein the British agreed to pay the King annual subsidies to protect shipwrecked British crews and guard wrecks against plunder.

Patricia Shanil Muluzi

The opposition however, boycotted the event, and many mailed back their invitations in what Heatherwick Ntaba, secretary of the Malawi Congress Party and Alliance for Democracy group called a "the plunder of public money".

Rape during the liberation of Poland

In a letter to his Voivode, a Łódź county starosta warned that plunder of goods from stores and farms, was often accompanied by the rape of farmhands as in Zalesie, Olechów, Feliksin and Huta Szklana, not to mention other crimes, including murder-rape in Łagiewniki.

Sid Meier's Pirates!

The game tests a wide range of skills: hand-eye coordination during the fencing sections, tactical ability during the land and sea combat phases, and strategic thinking, for everything from choosing a wife to deciding when to divide up the plunder.

Stevie Plunder

On 26 January (Australia Day), 1996, exactly four years since The Whitlams were formed, and as their single I Make Hamburgers was breaking into the Triple J Hottest 100 chart, Stevie Plunder was found dead at the bottom of Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains, apparently a suicide.

Syro-Ephraimite War

Isaiah concludes these prophecies concerning his children (Shear-Jashub (meaning 'a remnant returns', Isaiah 7.3), Immanuel (meaning 'God is with us'), and Maher-shalal-hash-baz (meaning 'quick to plunder, speedy to spoil') by saying, 'Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.' (Isaiah 8.18 NIV) Interestingly enough, the context continues into chapter 9 which also uses a birth of a child as its object.

The next chapter details another prophecy about a child by the name of Maher-shalal-hash-baz (meaning 'Quick to plunder, speedy to spoil').

The Burning Land

He sails to Frisia to loot, kill and plunder Skirnir, Skade's husband, and on the journey, he and Skade become lovers.

The Sigma Protocol

It is learned that Sigma has grown from a simple attempt to plunder the Nazi treasury and stabilize the industrial and financial state of the world in the wake of the war, to a political and financial machine which controls as many as 75% of the world's leading companies, and has enough covert political clout to directly influence the outcome of the likes of Presidential elections.

Timeline of the history of Roman Hispania

105 BC - After the Battle of Arausio, the Germanic Teutons and Cimbri plunder through all north Iberia as far as Gallaecia.

Viborg Cathedral

Odin was the god of warriors and when the men set off across the sea to ravage and plunder, the aid of Odin and Thor would have been critical.

see also