Porting, the ability of a computer program to be ported from one system to another in computer science
In software engineering, porting is the process of adapting software so that an executable program can be created for a computing environment that is different from the one for which it was originally designed (e.g. different CPU, operating system, or third party library).
Software is portable when the cost of porting it to a new platform is less than the cost of writing it from scratch.
Originally released as an arcade game in 2005, the franchise has grown to numerous ports, sequels and spin-offs across multiple video game consoles, including two social network games.
This solution is more portable between different versions of Windows and between different platforms.
Rhapsody built on NEXTSTEP, porting the core system to the PowerPC architecture and adding a redesigned user interface based on the Platinum user interface from Mac OS 8.
In 1986 the corporation recognized that the IBM PC-AT architecture had become an industry standard, and that lack of VINES support for an industry standard PC server architecture was limiting its sales capabilities, and began work on porting VINES to an Intel 80286-based version of SVR3.
Banyan increasingly turned to StreetTalk as a differentiator, eventually porting it to NT as a stand-alone product and offering it as an interface to LDAP systems.
In 2006, Slovakian company Outsider Development tried to convince EA on porting Crusader: No Remorse to the PlayStation Portable, but their Crusader: No Pity project (which included a working prototype) was rejected despite the support from Andrew Sega.
To simplify porting tasks, compatibility libraries for ISO Prolog and other Prolog dialects (C-Prolog, Quintus, SICStus, SWI-Prolog) are provided.
It uses a layered device driver architecture, using a simple binding model, to allow operating system agnostic or independent portability; meaning that the file system is compatible with most operating systems and is thus not bound to any one RTOS.
Parts of the GNU toolchain are also directly used with or ported to other platforms such as Solaris, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows (via Cygwin and MinGW/MSYS) and Sony PlayStation 3.
It is a port of the PC game titled Hellboy: Dogs of the Night (or sometimes just Hellboy, depending on where it was released), developed by Cryo Studios North America, a subsidiary of Cryo Interactive of France, and released in late 2000 to early 2001.
The Chiphopper offering helps developers whose applications run on x86 Linux systems by providing tools to scrub their C/C++ code for portability prior to porting to Power Architecture and System z systems.
According to one indie game community, plans to port Iji to all known modern operating systems (which Daniel Remar himself gave permission for) have fallen through.
The IOCCC was started by Landon Curt Noll and Larry Bassel in 1984 while employed at National Semiconductor's Genix porting group.
At Sun Microsystems JavaOne conference in June 2004, Sun announced that they had licensed the Watson technology and were porting it to the Java programming language under the name Project Alameda.
In North Africa and Sicily with the top of the cab cut away and lower sideboards the Lancia 3 Ro became well suited for desert warfare serving as a self-propelled gun porting the Cannone da 90/53 as well as the 100/17 howitzer.
The effort was spearheaded by Brett Halle at Apple, and development was later split between two main people: Michael Burg on device drivers and distribution at Apple in Cupertino, California; and Nick Stephen on Mach porting and development at the OSF in Grenoble, France.
In May 2007, Miguel de Icaza officially started a porting project called paint-mono.
PBBGs can provide the depth of experience and sustainability seen in some application-based games, but because they don't require any special software to play, they are more accessible and portable than such games.
The free, open source framework was originally implemented in the ActionScript 3 language for use with Adobe Flex, Flash and AIR, and it has since been ported to nearly all the major web development platforms.
He has also been involved in porting several non-gaming products such as Google Earth.
It was one of the first CD-ROM-only games that was furthermore a complete new development for that media and not only a port of another version such as an already existing floppy disc game or a laserdisc arcade machine.
It was responsible for porting Jagged Alliance 2, as well as gaining the porting rights to Europa Universalis, Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, and Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business.