
unusual facts about portraitist


1702 in art

Pierre-Alexandre Aveline, French engraver, portraitist, illustrator, and printmaker (died 1760)

1760 in art

Pierre-Alexandre Aveline, French engraver, portraitist, illustrator, and printmaker (born 1702)

American Academy of the Fine Arts

In 1818, Trumbull, representing the American Academy, commissioned a portrait of his former teacher and mentor, the painter Benjamin West, from Sir Thomas Lawrence, widely considered to be the most accomplished English portraitist of the age.

Anne Whitney

Whitney was an accomplished portraitist, completing statues and busts of such well known individuals as John Keats, Samuel Adams, Toussaint l'Ouverture, William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Sumner, Frances Willard, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Samuel Sewall, Alice Freeman Palmer, Robert Gould Shaw, Eben Norton Horsford, Harriet Martineau, Jennie McGraw Fiske, Lucy Stone and others.

Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon

Later in his life, Adam-Salomon became a leading portrait photographer after studying under the portraitist Franz Hanfstaengl in Munich in 1858.

Doris Keane

She was a favorite subject for artists of the day, among them the sculptor Jacob Epstein and the portraitist De Laszlo.

Elias Gottlob Haussmann

The Landgraf allowed him a study trip through Germany, where he met portraitist Francesco Carlo Rusca at Lugano.

Empire silhouette

In 1788, just before the Revolution, the court portraitist Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun had held a "Greek supper" where the ladies wore plain white "Greek" tunics.

Enoch Seeman

Having been brought to London from his home of Flanders by his father in 1704, the younger Seeman's painting career as we know it began with a group portrait of the Bisset family in the style of the portraitist Godfrey Kneller, now held at Castle Forbes in Grampian, Scotland, and dated by an inscription 1708.

Evelyn Paul

Her father was the portraitist Robert Boyd Paul (1819–1903), and her mother was Annie née McGlashan (born 1858 at Gibraltar), the daughter of a sergeant in the Royal Artillery and Robert Paul’s 2nd wife.

François Gall

After having Aurel Popp for the first master, he studied art at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts - Workshop Coromaldi in Rome before joining the Collegium Hungaricum (equivalent to Villa Medici), then travel to Europe through Scholarship to study obtained for his talents as a sculptor, ceramicist, designer, painter and portraitist already large, including Roman and Hungarian families, bystanders and onlookers, friends, musicians, singers, street scenes of markets and caravans circuses street.

Franz Krüger

His painting of Prince August of Prussia (a son of Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia) and Count Neidhardt von Gneisenau laid the foundations for his fame as a portraitist and also led to further depictions of the royal family.

Frederick William Beechey

Three of his brothers were painters: the admiral and painter Richard Brydges Beechey, the portraitist Henry William Beechey, and the portraitist George Duncan Beechey.

George Caleb Bingham House

The George Caleb Bingham House in Arrow Rock, Missouri was the principal residence of portraitist and landscape painter George Caleb Bingham from 1837 to 1845.

George Knapton

George Knapton (1698–1778) was an English portrait painter and the first portraitist for the Society of Dilettanti in the 1740s.

Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis

Ambrogio, who was born in Preda, gained a reputation as a portraitist, including as a painter of miniatures, for the court of Ludovico Sforza.

Jacob Coning

He was also a skilled portraitist with many customers among the Danish nobility.

Jacob von Sandrart

He was best known as a portraitist of prominent contemporary citizens of Nuremberg, as an engraver of maps, and as an illustrator of the literary works of Nuremberg writers, especially Sigmund von Birken.

James Claypoole

He was father-in-law to both the miniature portraitist James Peale and Col. Timothy Matlack (1730-1829), a Free Quaker, merchant, surveyor, architect, statesman, and patriot in the American Revolution.

John Christen Johansen

While a member of the faculty of the Art Institute he met, and later wed, recognized portraitist M. Jean McLane (1878–1964).

John Singleton the Elder

Singleton was twice immortalised by famous equine portraitist, George Stubbs, in commissions by Lord Rockingham.

John Smybert

He studied under Sir James Thornhill at his academy, then travelled to Edinburgh and Europe seeking work as portraitist.

Joseph Franz von Goez

Joseph Franz von Goez (born 28 February 1754, Sibiu, Romania) was a lawyer, artist, illustrator and portraitist active in Vienna in the mid-18th century.

Kazimierz Wojniakowski

His work as a portraitist was influenced by that of the Polish painter Josef Grassi, as in Wojniakowski's 1796 Portrait of Izabela Czartoryska, née Fleming.

Kees van Dongen

As a fashionable portraitist, he was commissioned for subjects including Arletty, Louis Barthou, Sacha Guitry, Leopold III of Belgium, Anna de Noailles and Maurice Chevalier.

Krazy Kat Klub

The club was run by portraitist and theatrical scenic designer Cleon "Throck" Throckmorton and its name was borrowed from the titular character of a comic strip that was popular at the time.

Langlois de Sézanne

Claude Louis Langlois (13 June 1757, Sézanne - c.1845), known as Langlois de Sézanne, was a French portraitist and pastel artist.

Louis Goupy

Louis or Lewis Goupy (c.1674–2 December 1747, London) was a French painter, portraitist and miniaturist, who studied under Bernard Lens and was active in London by 1710 alongside his brother Charles Goupy.

Marco Malvaldi

In October 2011, Malvaldi also published a guidebook about his own hometown Pisa, with the title Scacco alla Torre (Checkmate to the Tower) (Felici Editore): one of the book's first stories is Finalmente soli (Finally Alone), narrating of a nocturnal walk, inspired by an image taken by professional photographer Nicola Ughi, Malvaldi's official portraitist and fellow citizen; the book was presented at the Pisa Book Festival.

Nick Brandt

As American photography critic Vicki Goldberg writes: "Many pictures convey a rare sense of intimacy, as if Brandt knew the animals, had invited them to sit for his camera, and had a prime portraitist's intuition of character...as elegant as any arranged by Arnold Newman for his human high achievers".

Portrait photography

Butterfly lighting was a favourite of famed Hollywood portraitist George Hurrell, which is why this style of lighting is often called Paramount lighting.

Robert Liberace

Accomplished in both sculpture and painting, as a portraitist his commissioned subjects have included former president George H.W Bush, ambassador Sol Linowitz, the National Symphony Orchestra violinist Steven Honigberg and General Wallace M. Greene, the last of which resides in the Vermont State House.

Ruth Ray

She had a successful career as a commercial artist and portraitist; among her most famous portraits was the golfer Sam Snead.

Serge Ivanoff

A talented portraitist, he executed the portraits of many personalities, among which were the Pope Pius XI, Serge Lifar, Yvette Chauviré, Arthur Honegger, Edwige Feuillère, Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Duke of Russia, Princess Vassili, Aleksandr Benois, Zinaida Serebriakova, Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov, Alexandre Barbera-Ivanoff, Paul Valéry, Jacques Fath, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jefferson Caffery.

William Thompson Russell Smith

Here, between 1828 and 1831, he studied art under the portraitist James Lambdin, a former pupil of Thomas Sully.

see also