
3 unusual facts about pradhāna


Adarsana is Pradhana which has a dual nature i.e. it is static and also fluctuating and it is the cognitive faculty because Pradhana has the tendency to fluctuate and which tendency is stored as potential energy, adarsana.


In the context of Pūrva Mīmāṃsā 6.3.1 shown above, next two sutras becomes significant, in which this Omnipotent Being is termed as "pradhāna", and keeping away from Him is said to be a "doṣa", hence all beings are asked to get related ("abhisambandhāt" in tadakarmaṇi ca doṣas tasmāt tato viśeṣaḥ syāt pradhānenābhisambandhāt; Jaimini 6, 3.3) to the "Omnipotent Main Being" (api vāpy ekadeśe syāt pradhāne hy arthanirvṛttir guṇamātram itarat tadarthatvāt; Jaimini 6, 3.2).


Shatapatha Brahmana defines Sutram as the sacred thread (SB XII.ii.3), the sacred thread belonging to the first-class Brahmins (SB V.x.16), the power to act (SB XI.iii.37), the sutra-tattva (SB XI.xxviii.16), the mahat-tattva distinguished by the power of action (SB XI.ix.19), the function of Pradhana or the subtle cause of material nature (SB XI.xii.19), or the first transformation of nature (Prakrti), endowed with the potency of activity (SB XI.xxiv.6).


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