
unusual facts about predatory

Acorn Community

Acorn, with 82 other farmers and seed businesses, preemptively sued Monsanto Corporation to protect themselves from predatory lawsuits for GMO patent infringement.

All Yesterdays: Unique and Speculative Views of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals

Some of the entries are deliberately made to break a paleoartistical cliché, such as a Tenontosaurus walking alone without a predatory Deinonychus in sight.

Black Orchids

Jacques Barzun and Wendell Hertig Taylor, A Catalogue of Crime — In the first, Wolfe and Archie are in fine form, and murder at a flower show provides a suitable background for Wolfe's talents and predatory instincts.

Bolinus brandaris

Bolinus brandaris (originally called Murex brandaris by Linnaeus), and commonly known as the purple dye murex or the spiny dye-murex, is a species of medium-sized predatory sea snail, an edible marine gastropod mollusk in the family Muricidae, the murex snails or the rock snails.

C. africanus

Conus africanus, the African cone, a predatory sea snail species

Duck-billed Buntingi

Instead most scientists believe the human introduction of the predatory fishes including snakehead, Channa striata, and tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, most likely lead to their present conservation status.

E. rosea

Euglandina rosea, the rosy wolfsnail or the cannibal snail, a large predatory air-breathing land snail species

Erebus Ice Tongue

The presence of penguins also attracts the predatory Skua seabird.

Helga Liné

Although she appeared in James Bond spoof films such as Agent 077: Mission Bloody Mary (1965) alongside Ken Clark, she is well noted for her horror film work in particular, starring as the spy Natasha in the Gothic feature Horror Express, in the title role in The Lorelei's Grasp, as a predatory vampire countess in the erotic film The Vampires' Night Orgy, and as the leader of a Satanic cult in the Black Candles.

Inner City Press

Inner City Press' executive director is Matthew Lee, who is the author of the non-fiction book Predatory Lending: Toxic Credit in the Global Inner City and the novel Predatory Bender and an accredited journalist at the United Nations.

Jeffrey Beall

In 2013, it was reported that OMICS Publishing Group, which had been included on Beall's list of predatory open access publishers, had issued a warning to Beall stating that they intended to sue him, and were seeking $1 billion in damages.


The fossil is one of the few known crocodyliform caudal vertebrae and comes from the Kem Kem Beds that have produced the fossils of very large predatory dinosaur species: Spinosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus and Deltadromeus.

Killer ape theory

Observations from Sgt. H. B. Potter (Zululand, South Africa) show that this kind of development is still up to date as it is mentioned in The predatory transition from ape to man by Raymond Dart.

Lake Tanganyika

The largest biomass of fish, however, is in the pelagic zone (open waters) and is dominated by six species: two species of "Tanganyika sardine" and four species of predatory Lates (related to, but not the same as, the Nile perch that has devastated Lake Victoria cichlids).

M. leonina

Melibe leonina, the hooded nudibranch or the lion nudibranch, a predatory sea slug species

Mississippi Palisades State Park

Indie music artist Sufjan Stevens made reference to the Palisades in his song The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us! on his 2005 concept album Illinois.

Myrmica scabrinodis

Phengaris caterpillars are primary threats of M. scabrinodis with specific species such as Phengaris arion developing a predatory relationship.

Neil Jordan

While Lestat (Tom Cruise) is depicted in an attractive but villainous manner, his partner Louis (Brad Pitt) and the child vampire Claudia (Kirsten Dunst) are meant to capture the audience's sympathy despite their predatory nature.

Pollicipes polymerus

In a carefully designed series of experiments they recorded the direct and indirect results on the numbers of goose barnacles, sea mussels, acorn barnacles, starfish and predatory whelks (Nucella spp.) present in the area.

Predatory mortgage securitization

A book titled The Crime of Our Time by author Danny Schechter delves deeply into the predatory securitization process and the financial collapse of 2007.

Predatory open-access publishing

The term "predatory open access" was conceived by University of Colorado Denver librarian and researcher Jeffrey Beall.


The term Proavis was used again in 1999, when Joseph Garner, Graham Taylor, and Adrian Thomas proposed their "pouncing proavis model", an hypothesis entailing that the origin of avian flight rested in a predatory behaviour, the "proavis" jumping on its prey from trees (see pouncing proavis model in Origin of avian flight).


Crassispira sacerdotalis is a species of small predatory sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Turridae, the turrids

Sandawe people

:The rock-strewn land of Usandawe...is inhabited by a still thoroughly warlike, predatory, and unexplored mountain people whose members do not recognize German rule, live far apart and tolerate no headmen or superiors, and have hereto rid themselves in drastic fashion of those experimentally installed by the station.

Taal Lake

Jaguar guapote (Parachromis managuensis), a predatory piscivore, a carnivorous fish that primarily eats other fishes, was found illegally introduced into the lake.

Tarzan the Terrible

He has tracked her to a hidden valley called Pal-ul-don, which means "Land of Men." In Pal-ul-don Tarzan finds a real Jurassic Park filled with dinosaurs, notably the savage Triceratops-like Gryfs, which unlike their prehistoric counterparts are predatory.

Watsonville Riots

Filipino laborers frequenting pool halls or attending street fairs in Stockton, Dinuba, Exeter, and Fresno risked being attacked by nativists threatened by the swelling labor pool as well as the Filipino's presumed predatory sexual nature.

see also