
unusual facts about prisoner exchange

Robert Stobo

In order to ensure the compliance of the surrender terms agreed to by Major George Washington following the Battle of the Great Meadows, he and Captain Jacob Van Braam were left as prisoners-of-war on July 28, 1754 in the care of Captain Coulon de Villiers at Fort Duquesne until at such time they could be released in a prisoner exchange.

see also

Al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Maghribi

By 965, he had risen to become an important personality in the affairs of the Hamdanid emirate, as evidenced by the fact that he briefly served as hostage to the Byzantines during negotiations for a prisoner exchange.

Day of Independence

Zip's Issei (Japanese immigrant) father fell ill and elected to return to Japan, along with Zip's mother, on a prisoner exchange ship, called the Gripsholm.

Life Is a Miracle

When a UN-enforced prisoner exchange is finally arranged, Luka and Sabaha try to escape to Serbia, but Sabaha is wounded by a Bosnian sniper as they attempt to cross the Drina river.

Louis P. Lochner

Lochner was interned for nearly five months at Bad Nauheim near Frankfurt am Main, before being released in May 1942 as part of a prisoner exchange for interned German diplomats and correspondents.

Manuel Bulnes Pinto

Himself and his squadron were later freed via prisoner exchange, and they fought at the battles of Tacna, Chorrillos and Miraflores.

Robert Levinson

Pressed by Charlie Rose in an interview for CBS This Morning in September 2012, former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "did not deny Iran still has Levinson in its custody, and hinted that there had been talks about a prisoner exchange".

Sharpe's Triumph

McCandless decides to use Joubert for a prisoner exchange, and a chance to view Scindia's army, commanded by Anthony Pohlmann.


On January 25, 1945, 200 Jews holding citizenship from countries in North and South America were sent from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp to Switzerland as part of a prisoner exchange group.