
unusual facts about propellants

Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

PEP - how the journal is typically referred to in the energetic materials community - was founded in 1976 by Hiltmar Schubert, then director of the Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT) Pfinztal/Germany and Verlag Chemie/Weinheim.


The Boeing Company sub-contracted with the Lockheed Propulsion Company for the propellants, which subsequently closed with the end of the SRAM program.


Brennschluss (a loanword, from the German Brennschluß) is either the cessation of fuel burning in a rocket or the time that the burning ceases: the cessation may result from the consumption of the propellants, from deliberate shutoff, or from some other cause.

Charles Allen Thomas

In December 1942, during World War II, Thomas joined the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) as the Deputy Chief of its Division 8, which was responsible for propellants, explosives and the like.


After Earth Day in 1970, there came increasing pressure to eliminate CFC propellants.

see also