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In the Montana gubernatorial election, Renne placed emphasis on economic development in response to the 1964 sluggish economy, a need of greater support for education, relief for property taxes, and tax programs based upon ability to pay tax to fund his educational programs.
Then, to allow the city to forgo paying property taxes on the site (a loophole in Florida laws allows county governments to own stadiums tax-free), a long-term lease would have been signed by the Rays and Pinellas County would then take control of the site, a similar arrangement to that of Tropicana Field.
The Newsday editorial board judged the two candidates' positions on supporting the DREAM Act, lowering property taxes, and reducing unfunded state mandates to be similar.
The property tax issue itself quieted as Governor Craig Benson announced in 2003 the property taxes would be cut almost by half by 2008.