
3 unusual facts about public nuisance

Public nuisance

In the Marx Brothers film Duck Soup, Groucho Marx plays the president of the mythical land of Freedonia.

Thus, for example, s1 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 would now be used in cases involving multiple telephone calls, and s63 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 confers powers on the police to remove persons attending or preparing for a rave "at which amplified music is played during the night (with or without intermissions) and is such as, by reason of its loudness and duration and the time at which it is played, is likely to cause serious distress to the inhabitants of the locality".

One day while in his office, he hears a noisy peanut vendor (Chico Marx) out in the street.

Improvement commissioners

They often included street paving, cleansing, lighting, providing watchmen or dealing with various public nuisances.

see also

Frances Street Squats

Two days later the city council, under then-mayor Gordon Campbell and with the full support of opposition members (including Libby Davies), declared the houses a “public nuisance” and granted a demolition permit.