Puppet shows based on Mickey, Taggy, Puppo and Cica: "The Great Totem Pole Caper", "The Tale of Tutenkhamen" and "The Boy Who Forgot".
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Wawrosz later graduated from a course for tailors in Sucha Górna, and from a course in puppetry in Stare Troki.
After matura Aldona Orman started study at Department of Puppetry at Faculty in Wrocław of Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts.
Biwa-cho is the home of the Tonda Traditional Bunraku Puppet Troupe, a troupe founded in the 1830s in the tradition of Bunraku puppetry.
The 20th century has seen cantastoria employed by the radical art, theater and puppetry movements to tell stories from perspectives outside of the mainstream media, especially by the Bread and Puppet Theater.
His university education was in Pune later at the NID National Institute of Design and Darpana Academy of Performing Arts in Ahmedabad under late Meher Contractor, after which he went to the Marionette Theatre Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and studied puppetry under Michael Meschke.
He also performed the puppetry for various characters, including Sir Didymus and Wiseman's Hat (both voiced by David Shaughnessy) in Labyrinth.
International Festival of Animated Objects, a 10-day festival of puppetry and related arts (Calgary, Canada)
The Troupe also hosts summer puppetry training programs for American students at the Imada Puppetry Hall in conjunction with the University of Missouri and the American-based Japanese theater group, Bunraku Bay Puppet Troupe.
He was the first non-Japanese to train and perform in Japan as a traditional puppeteer in the style of puppetry commonly known as Bunraku or ningyō jōruri, making his stage debut in 1994 with the 170-year-old Tonda Traditional Bunraku Puppet Troupe in Shiga Prefecture.
The Jim Henson Foundation was founded by puppeteer and Muppet creator Jim Henson to promote and develop puppetry in the United States.
It is the only troupe that performs Yakshagana puppetry in the thenkuthittu style; the only other troupe, based in Uppinakudru, performs in the badaguthittu style.
The Kuroda Puppet Troupe also hosted a summer puppetry training program in 2006 for American students at the Kuroda Puppetry Hall in conjunction with the University of Missouri and the American-based Japanese theater group, Bunraku Bay Puppet Troupe.
Jonathan Haze, who played Seymour in the original film, attended the opening, and Welles also received a visit from Martin P. Robinson, the designer of the Audrey II plant puppets used in the off-Broadway production (Robinson is also famous for his puppetry on Sesame Street).
The National Marionette Theatre (Czech: Národní divadlo marionet, NDM) is a theater company devoted to puppetry performances, located in the Old Town neighborhood of Prague, Czech Republic.
The Adelaide Festival Centre Trust and Come Out '99 presented Ken Evans' and Jonathan Taylor's Visible Darkness, a collision of Film Noir, contemporary dance, puppetry and illusion.
A line of successful puppet and live-action TV series followed: Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, Joe 90, The Secret Service (which combined puppetry with live action), UFO (produced mostly in live action), The Protectors and Space: 1999.
She graduated from the Faculty of Puppetry at the Saint Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy in 1964, and went on to work as an animator for Latvian Television (studio Telefilm-Riga 1966-1987), Rīgas kinostudija (1987-1990) and the animation studio Dauka (since 1991)).
Shadow play or shadow puppetry, performing art using cut-out figures
In 1999 he finished his study in Puppetry at the Art Academy (STSI) in Surakarta, also known as Solo, which is called Institute Seni Indonesia (ISI) nowadays.
In 1980 he formed his own puppet company, the Sogolon Puppet Troupe, and has since become the leading custodian of the Bambara puppetry tradition, the oldest and richest of Africa’s surviving puppetry traditions.