
unusual facts about putti


Antonio Raggi

Recently discovered documentation shows that he provided the kneeling figure of Saint Bernardino of Siena (1656–57) in Alexander VII's chapel at Santa Maria della Pace, and the two pairs of putti holding portrait medallions on the façade.


The Brownlow Hall contains a giant frieze of the goddess Venus surrounded by putti with an armorial centrepiece and three early-Twentieth Century murals.

Ignaz Günther

Weyarn—Catholic Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul (woodcarving on high altar, including Annunciation, Pietà, putti, the carved shrine of Saint Valerius, and silver-framed tabernacle) (1763–1764)


In the 1st-person shooter Team Fortress 2, the Meet the Pyro video has the BLU Team appear as putti in Pyroland (The Pyro's vision).


The Art Institute of Chicago has an example of a beautiful, mature satyress accompanied by putti and a male satyr in a 16th-century study by Paolo Farinati of Italy.

Wilhering Abbey

Moreover, all the individual elements are in harmony and seem to be connected in some way: the altars, the pulpit, the two organs, the choir stalls, the putti and the frescoes with numerous saints, with clouds and blue sky.

see also