
2 unusual facts about qualitative


Qualitative research, a research paradigm focusing on non-quantifiable measurements

Qualitative property, a property that can be observed but not measured numerically

Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life

The content for the measure was drawn from qualitative interviews that were conducted with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients.

Association of MBAs

The Association's process of accrediting an MBA program includes reviewing compliance with over 100 criteria, most of them qualitative rather than quantitative.

Collier's Encyclopedia

A well-known comparison is that of Kenneth Kister, who gave a qualitative and quantitative comparison of Collier's Encyclopedia with two comparable encyclopaedias, Encyclopædia Britannica and the Encyclopedia Americana.

After a more thorough qualitative comparison of all three encyclopedias, Kister recommended Collier's Encyclopedia primarily on the strength of its writing, presentation and navigation.

Credo line

Information and Rating Agency Credo Line was established with support of foreign export credit agencies and Ukrainian partners in June 2008 with the view to achieving maximum transparency on the information market of CIS countries and qualitative improvement of rendered services.

Cross-national research

Cross-national research may be qualitative, as in Theda Skocpol's States and Social Revolutions.

Daryl Morey

His hiring follows the recent Moneyball trend of adding more advanced statistical-based analysis to the traditional use of qualitative scouting and basic statistics.

Douglas Ravenel

In this picture, complex cobordism and Morava K-theory control many qualitative phenomena, which were understood before only in special cases.

Duncan Waite

He is an expert in qualitative methods who was trained by Harry Wolcott a pioneer in the field of educational anthropology( a student of George Spindler at Stanford University while at the University of Oregon.

Edouard Van Beneden

Van Beneden elucidated, together with Walther Flemming and Eduard Strasburger, the essential facts of mitosis, where, in contrast to meiosis, there is a qualitative and quantitative equality of chromosome distribution to daughter cells.

Egon Wolff

The formation of the Teatro Experimental de la Universidad de Chile (Experimental Theatre of the University of Chile) in 1941, followed by the founding of the Teatro del Ensayo de la Universidad Catolica (TEUC) (Theatre Actor Studio of the Catholic University) in 1943 created a qualitative change in Chilean theatre.

Gøsta Esping-Andersen

According to French sociologist, Georges Menahem, Esping-Andersen's "decommodification index" aggregates both qualitative and quantitative variables for ”sets of dimensions” which fluid, and pertain to three very different areas.

Identification Projection Series

The qualitative analysis of the client’s verbal responses can be conducted with the evaluation scheme by Lester Luborsky, Kurt Lewin or David McClelland.

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Richard Titmuss succeeded Ryle and under his leadership, book reviews were no longer present in the journals, each article in each issue began having designated methods, discussion, results, and the qualitative aspect of social medicine formerly represented by the book reviews was now being represented by articles in the issue.

Jürgen Aschoff

Although this is no longer recognized as the correct model in the field, Serge Daan suggested in 1998 that Aschoff made qualitative contributions that provide valuable alternatives to inconsistencies in the current field.

Just-noticeable difference

Stanley Smith Stevens argued that it would hold only for what he called prothetic sensory continua, where change of input takes the form of increase in intensity or something obviously analogous; it would not hold for metathetic continua, where change of input produces a qualitative rather than a quantitative change of the percept.

Leon O. Chua

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Vitold Belevitch Award (2007), For seminal contributions to nonlinear circuit theory, the first mathematically proven physical implementation of Chaos (Chua circuit), the local activity principle as the root of complexity, the cellular neural/nonlinear network principle and basic theory, and the qualitative theory of complexity in 1D cellular automata.

Lifestyle China

Lifestyle China (Simplified Chinese:中国式生活; Traditional Chinese:中國式生活) is a qualitative design research project ever organized in China by the Asian Lifestyle Design Research Lab of the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Marian Mazur

Marian Mazur (Radom, December 7, 1909 – Warsaw, January 21, 1983) was an expert in cybernetics, and author of: The Cybernetic Theory of Autonomous Systems, 1966; and The Qualitative Theory of Information, 1970.

Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development

Demetriou integrated into the theory the constructs of speed and control of processing and he formulated the functional shift model which unifies Pascual-Leone's notion of underlying common dimension of capacity development with the notion of qualitative changes in mental structure as development progresses along this dimension.

Patent valuation

This tool is based on an installable Microsoft Access database, and applies qualitative and quantitative algorithms for patent valuation and portfolio management.


The band consider that they made a qualitative leap with “Animales” (2005) (Animals), which was produced by Nigel Walker (who had previously worked with Bob Dylan, Tom Petty and Aerosmith) and they also consider that the album achieved their aims and made them the rising stars of cool rock singing in the Spanish language.

Phase space

In this case, a sketch of the phase portrait may give qualitative information about the dynamics of the system, such as the limit cycle of the Van der Pol oscillator shown in the diagram.

Rail Safety Act

The centralised regulator proposal has been opposed at times by New South Wales, Victoria and the Western Australian rail safety regulator who have pointed to a lack of quantitative or qualitative evidence of impacts of the current jurisdiction-based national system on operator costs, particularly in light of the predominance of intrastate urban rail movements in Australia over interstate movements.

SIS International Research

Its flagship full-service Market Research division, SIS International Custom Research, conducts custom Qualitative Market Research & Quantitative Market Research, Emerging Markets Research, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, Focus Groups, Strategic Planning and Political Polling.

William Fields

William M. Fields, American qualitative investigator studying language, culture, and tools in non-human primates

see also