
unusual facts about quarrel


1697 in literature

William Wotton – Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning (setting off the English "quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns")

401 BC

Cyrus the Younger uses a quarrel with Tissaphernes over the Ionian cities as a pretext for gathering a large army and also pretends to prepare an expedition to Pisidia, in the Taurus Mountains.

A Fair Quarrel

The source for the Fitzallen subplot in A Fair Quarrel is one of the stories in the Hecatommithi of Cinthio.

Abbot Oliba

Oliba promoted the movement of Peace and Truce of God (Pau i treva), towards 1022 and in 1027 the agreement of this treaty with other bishops and noblemen took place in Toulouges (Roussillon) and was said that all, noblemen, knights, farmers and monks, agreed to make, days in which nobody could quarrel with anybody and in which the fugitives could take refuge in churches and places holy, sure of being protected and respected, some days every year, be days of Peace.

Baron Zouche

As the result of a quarrel over some lands with John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey, he was seriously injured in Westminster Hall by the earl and his retainers, and died on 10 August 1270.

Bemba people

They crossed the Safwa rapids, and the Luchindashi river, where there was a quarrel between two women, and part of the group stayed behind, forming the Bena Nona (Mushroom Clan), the royal clan of the Bisa people.

Benjamin Bilse

After a fierce quarrel with Bilse about another fourth-class concert trip to Warsaw, 54 musicians in 1882 split to found the "Former Bilse's Band" under conductor Ludwig von Brenner, shortly afterwards renamed Berlin Philharmonic, today one of the world's leading orchestras.

Bruno Tolentino

Shortly after the quarrel with Augusto de Campos, in an interview to Veja magazine, he criticised Campos' friend, the composer Caetano Veloso, considering the teaching of his work in schools as a sign of the destruction of Brazilian culture.

Char 2C

Pétain asked for 300 heavy tanks to be ready by March 1919, causing a quarrel to erupt between Clemenceau, who was both Prime-Minister and Minister of War, and Louis Loucheur, the Minister of Armament, who felt it was impossible to provide the labour and steel required.

Charles de Blanchefort

He had a quarrel extending over years with Philip, the bastard of Savoy, which ended in a duel fatal to Philip in 1599; and in 1620 he defended Saint-Aignan, who was his prisoner of war, against a prosecution threatened by Louis XIII.

Charles-René d'Hozier

Charles subsequently became reconciled to Ambroise-Louis-Marie d'Hozier, his nephew, to whom he left all the papers he had accumulated from the date of the quarrel until his death, which occurred in Paris.

Cormac Cruinn Ó Máille

The Annals of the Four Masters record that "A meeting took place between O'Flaherty and O'Malley, but a quarrel arose between them, in which Owen O'Malley, Cormac O'Malley (i.e., Cormac Cruinn) and many others besides these, were slain by the people of O'Flaherty."

Dania Krupska

Krupska also assisted de Mille on the ballet Fall River Legend (1948); de Mille's insistence that Krupska be allowed to dance one performance as Lizzie Borden led to an explosive quarrel with Alicia Alonso, unbeknownst to Krupska herself.

Esther Vanhomrigh

In the 1994 film Words Upon the Window Pane, based on the play by William Butler Yeats, she is played by Orla Brady: the plot turns on a seance in modern Dublin where the ghosts of Swift, Stella and Vanessa appear to resume their 200-year-old quarrel.

Gertrude of Austria

Complicating Frederick II's hold over Austria was his long-standing quarrel with Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, during which he was placed under an imperial ban.


At the same time, Gildo had a quarrel with his brother Mascezel, who was obliged to flee to the court of Honorius; Gildo took revenge on his brother by killing his two sons.

Green room

In 1735, actor Charles Macklin got into a quarrel with Thomas Hallam (another actor) over a wig and killed the other actor in the green room by accidentally thrusting his cane through Hallam's eye at Drury Lane.

Guillaume de Nogaret

His name is mainly connected with the quarrel between Philip IV and Pope Boniface VIII.

Gunnlaugr Ormstunga

After a quarrel with his father, Illugi, Gunnlaugr left his home at age twelve to stay for some time at Borg with Þorsteinn Egilsson, the son of Egill Skallagrímsson.

Guy of Roye

He got into a quarrel with the marshals of Volti, near Gênes, on his way to the council of Pisa with Louis I of Bar and Pierre d'Ailly, leading to a riot in which Guy was killed by a crossbow bolt.

Henry Ossian Flipper

In the Fall of 1879 a Federal Marshal named Norton armed with blank warrants began a quarrel with a County Judge.

Histoires ou contes du temps passé

Children's literature scholar Jack Zipes speculates that Perrault's fairy tales may have been written to be the last word in a decade-long literary quarrel.

Jean Rotrou

He spent much time at Le Mans with his patron, de Belin, who was one of the opponents of Corneille in the quarrel over Le Cid.

Johann Baptist Weiss

In 1850 he became editor of the Freiburger Zeitung; in 1852 he became involved in a quarrel with the Government of Baden and, on this account, accepted a call as professor of Austrian history from the University of Graz, where he remained during the years 1853-91.

John George Howard

Later in life he claimed direct descent from Thomas Howard, the 4th Duke of Norfolk, through a 17th-century Howard who had adopted the name Corby from the ancestral estate Corby Castle, because of a family quarrel.

John Prideaux

To young Gilbert Sheldon, who first at Oxford denied that the Pope was Antichrist, he replied with a joke; and his quarrel with Peter Heylyn, whom in 1627 he denounced as a 'Bellarminian,' for maintaining the supremacy of the church in matters of faith, was amicably settled in 1633 by the mediation of William Laud.

Karl Schapper

However, in 1850, a bitter quarrel led to a split, with Marx and Engels on one side and Karl Schapper and August Willich on the other.

Kenneth Turan

Kenneth Turan is featured in the documentary For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Criticism discussing his famous public quarrel with James Cameron, and recalling how Cameron e-mailed the LA Times’s editors calling for Turan’s firing after Turan wrote a negative review of Titanic.

Khun Chang Khun Phaen

When the kings of Ayutthaya and Chiang Mai quarrel over a beautiful daughter of the King of Vientiane, Phlai Ngam volunteers to lead an army to Chiang Mai, and successfully petitions for Khun Phaen's release.

Louis I, Duke of Bar

At Volti, near Gênes, a quarrel between the marshals of the town and the Archbishop of Reims degenerated into a riot, with the archbishop being killed and Louis missing-presumed dead.

Marcellus Laroon

He painted portraits of Queen Mary (engraved in mezzotint by Robert Williams), Caius Gabriel Cibber the sculptor, and others; his self-portrait by himself showed the scars resulting from injuries received in a street quarrel.

Married to It

As they help to stage a school pageant with a 1960s theme, each couple begins to quarrel and reassess their marriage.

Mary Gregory

In a memoir included in his Buddies collection, the writer Ethan Mordden records how his mother built up an extensive collection of Mary Gregory items, and how he smashed whole shelves of them during a quarrel with her.

Matthew Hopkins in popular culture

Sarum, the 1987 novel by Edward Rutherfurd, features Hopkins making a brief appearance in Wiltshire, where he becomes involved in a family quarrel and in an apparent attempt to frame Margaret Shockley as a witch.

Maud of Normandy

After her death in 1006, Odo started a quarrel with his brother-in-law, Richard II of Normandy, over the dowry: part of the town Dreux.

Peter George Patmore

Grayling, A. C., The Quarrel of the Age: The Life and Times of William Hazlitt. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2000.

Philemon T. Herbert

In 1856, when he was refused breakfast service at Willard's Hotel in Washington because it was too late in the morning, he got into a quarrel with the Irish headwaiter, and shot and killed him.

Pope Clement XIII

The Bourbon Kings espoused their relative's quarrel, seized Avignon, Benevento and Pontecorvo, and united in a peremptory demand for the total suppression of the Jesuits (January 1769).

Princess and dragon

James Bond and Honeychile Rider are menaced by the dragon, do battle with it, have their friend Quarrel killed and are captured by the crew of the Dragon tank.

Rino Formica

He was Minister of Budget in the Spadolini II Cabinet, whose fall was caused by a quarrel between Formica and the other economy minister Beniamino Andreatta.

Sydney Cockerell

Cockerell tried to patch up a quarrel between Ruskin and Octavia Hill (Hilton, p. 832), who had been a friend of his late father Sydney John Cockerell, and godmother to his sister Olive.

Texan schooner Liberty

Captain Brown resigned just nine days after this triumph due to a quarrel with Commodore Charles Hawkins.

The Murder City Devils

They also appeared as both individual actors as well as a band in David Larson's independent film The Edge of Quarrel.

Theobald I, Duke of Lorraine

In 1216, in the Champagne War of Succession, he supported Erard I, Count of Brienne, in his quarrel with Theobald IV, Count of Champagne, who was supported by Philip II of France, Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, and Henry II of Bar.

Uzel Holding

According to Hürriyet: "The quarrel in the Uzel family over fraud and breaches of confidence" was having "a negative impact on the financial and stock performance of the firm, which was once among the world's top 10 in agricultural machinery production".


Originally from Kassel-Naumburg, Wenno was killed by the knight Wickbert with an axe, in a quarrel caused by some unknown reason.

William II, Prince of Orange

In 1650 William II became involved in a bitter quarrel with the province of Holland and the powerful Regents of Amsterdam, Andries Bicker and his cousin Cornelis de Graeff.

see also