
unusual facts about radio beacon

BBC Regional Programme

The former transmitters of the Regional Programme continued to be used to broadcast this service, but their frequencies were changed and synchronized in order to allow them all to transmit on just two wavelengths (668 and 767 kHz) which, in the event of air raids, could be turned off in sequence to prevent their signals being used as navigational beacons by enemy aircraft.

Nav/attack system

Since INS is subject to "drift," limiting its accuracy, the nav/attack system periodically updates the aircraft's position based on external radio beacons (such as TACAN) or (since the 1990s) GPS or equivalent satellite navigation system, or using a Doppler radar (although this increases the risk of detection).

see also

Broadcasting in the Soviet Union

The second channel was called Radio Mayak (Radio Beacon in Russian) and was a music and speech entertainment channel intended to be the "beacon" of Soviet culture, similar to BBC Radio 4 in the UK or Radio National in Australia.


A Tasmanian Police Kawasaki BK 117 rescue/Emergency medical services helicopter had earlier winched off the owner-yachtsman in 8 m waves on 16 April 2006 (Easter day), after he set off his EPIRB (radio beacon).