
2 unusual facts about radio telescope

Olentangy West, Columbus, Ohio

In the late 1940s, John D. Kraus set up OSU's first Radio telescope in the west campus farm fields next to Ackerman Run.

Radio telescope

The largest individual radio telescope of any kind is the RATAN-600 located near Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia, which consists of a 576-meter circle of rectangular radio reflectors, each of which can be pointed towards a central conical receiver.

Brewster, Washington

The radio telescope located in Brewster is the northernmost of ten dishes comprising the Very Long Baseline Array.

Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex

Goldstone antennas have also been used as sensitive radio telescopes for such scientific investigations as mapping quasars and other celestial radio sources; radar mapping planets, the Moon, comets and asteroids; spotting comets and asteroids with the potential to strike Earth; and the search for ultra-high energy neutrino interactions in the moon by using large-aperture radio antennas.

Gregory Charvat

He built amateur radio equipment in high school, a radio telescope for which he won second place at the 1997 International Science and Engineering Fair in Louisville, KY, and developed many radar sensors in college.


Knockin is also home to one of the radio telescopes that make up the Jodrell Bank MERLIN (Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network) radio telescope array linking six observing stations that together form a powerful telescope with an effective aperture of over 217 kilometres.

Los Alamos, New Mexico

The radio telescope located in Los Alamos is one of ten dishes composing the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA).


Pickmere is home to one of the radio telescopes that make up the Jodrell Bank MERLIN (Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network) radio telescope array linking six observing stations that together form a powerful telescope with an effective aperture of over 217 kilometres.

Reber Radio Telescope

Reber Radio Telescope is a parabolic radio telescope built by astronomer Grote Reber in his back yard in Illinois in 1937, implementing an earlier proposal of Karl Jansky, the discoverer (1931) of radio waves emanating from the Milky Way.

see also

Allinea Distributed Debugging Tool

The Pawsey Centre supercomputers in Australia, which support research into geosciences, astronomy, nanotechnology and biosciences and two major radio telescope projects – the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), processing their data in real time.

Associated Universities, Inc.

The Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) is a continent-wide radio telescope system offering the greatest resolving power of any astronomical instrument operational today.


The Australia Telescope Compact Array, a radio telescope at the Paul Wild Observatory, twenty five kilometres (16 mi) west of the town of Narrabri in Australia.


Those doubts have been laid to rest with the recent discovery of four similar bursts, using the same radio telescope in research co-authored by Curtin University's Dr Ramesh Bhat.

Bothwell, Tasmania

This was also the site of a radio telescope, built in the 1960s, in nearby Dennistoun, by one of the pioneers of radio astronomy, Grote Reber.

Dove Bradshaw

On top of one is a pyrite mixer designed to receive live emissions from Jupiter transmitted via a dedicated line from the radio telescope at Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute in Rosman, North Carolina.

Jay T. Wright

His first feature film, 'Assembling the World' (16 mm, 1995), made when he was only 20 years old, follows cultures under the pressures of colonialism after the fall out of war in Taos Pueblo and Belfast and features the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico.

Motivation Radio

The radio telescope in the cover art appears to be a photograph of the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia, superimposed on a shoreline picture.

Radio source

Radio noise source, a device that emits radio waves at a certain frequency, used to calibrate radio telescope

Withington Wilderness

To the north of the Withington Wilderness and San Mateo Mountains is the world-renowned Very Large Array radio telescope observatory.