
unusual facts about radiometric dating

Brooks Mountain

Radiometric survey and mineralogical studies have been carried out since 1950, which has assessed that the mountain formation contains high-grade uranium.

Arthur Holmes

Holmes was a pioneer of geochronology, and performed the first accurate uranium-lead radiometric dating (specifically designed to measure the age of a rock) while an undergraduate in London, assigning an age of 370 Ma to a Devonian rock from Norway, improving on the work of Boltwood who published nothing more on the subject.

Cathedral Peak Granodiorite

It has been assigned radiometric ages between 88 and 87 million years and therefore reached its cooling stage in the Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous).

Paul Werner Gast

He led the development of the use of rubidium-strontium and uranium-lead radiometric dating methods for rocks, particularly for samples returned from the Moon.

see also

Cathedral Peak Granodiorite

Radiometric dating of the cooling ages of the Cathedral Peak Granodiorite yielded 88.1 ± 0.2 down to 87.0 ± 0.7 million years BP, i.e. Coniacian.