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burchellanus is a rare species or, if it is a subspecies, Evolutionarily Significant Unit, of butterfly (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) that lives in a very few areas in central Brazil.
It is named after the Torrey Pine, a rare tree that grows in the wild only along this local stretch of the coastline in San Diego County and on Santa Rosa Island.
The Mielle, a small stream that rises in Agnos, is listed in the Natura 2000 program for three rare species: white-clawed crayfish, European pond turtles, and the rare European mink which does not exist anywhere in France except in the south-west.
The very thin soils here support populations of one nationally rare species, Cheddar bedstraw (Galium fleurotii) and four nationally scarce species, pale St John's wort (Hypericum montanum), sea storksbill (Erodium maritimum), dwarf mouse-ear (Cerastium pumilum) and spring cinquefoil (Potentilla tabernaemontani).
Several rare species are also found on the site, including pomme-de-prairie, white camas, striped hairstreak, and the state-threatened species rough-stemmed false foxglove (Agalinis gattingeri) and regal fritillary.
Buddleja hatschbachii is a rare species found only in the wet ravines and rock slopes flanking the east side of the planalto of southern Brazil.
The Cumberland darter, Etheostoma susanae, is a rare species of fish in the perch familyendemic to Kentucky and Tennessee in the United States, where it occurs in the upper Cumberland River tributaries above Cumberland Falls.
In this field, there was a forest of orchids, abandoned vineyards, an arid biotope, old orchards and gardens, rare species of bats and habitats for endangered species at the edges of the slope.
Several rare species of moth have been recorded including the Straw Belle (Aspitates gilvaria) and the Annulet Moth (Charissa obscurata).
Samples of bottom fauna taken in 1998 documented the presence of nationally rare species of gastropods such as Hippeutis complanatus and bivalve Swan mussel; and during the preceding decades two species of limnetic gastropods were documented.
It preserves Virginia's best remaining example of a coastal plain pond complex, and supports several locally-rare species including pond spice, Cuthbert's turtlehead, Mabee's Salamander, barking treefrog and the globally imperiled Harper's fimbristylis.
The swamp also contains two regionally rare species, Swainson's Warbler and Black-throated Green Warbler.
One new species, Hall's Babbler, was discovered, and two new subspecies (of the White-quilled Rock-Pigeon and Grey Shrike-thrush) described, while new data were obtained from rare species such as the Black Grasswren and White-lined Honeyeater.
Hoffmannseggia tenella is a rare species of flowering plant in the legume family known by the common name slender rushpea.
Foreign citizen Karbofos (parody on Karabas) steals a rare species of striped elephant from a city zoo.
Two rare species of air-breathing land gastropods also live on the island, the two-lipped door snail Balea biplicata and the German hairy snail Pseudotrichia rubiginosa, as well as several rare species of beetles.
The Japanese roughshark, Oxynotus japonicus, is a rare species of shark in the family Oxynotidae, known only from a handful of specimens recovered from Suruga Bay and the Enshunada Sea off Japan.
Its greenhouses (2500 m²) contain humid and arid rooms sheltering a variety of plants including rare species such as Miconia ascendens and Rubus alceaefolius.
Some original park trees from the 1870s survive and include a number of rare species such as the Chinese necklace poplar, Populus lasiocarpa.
A flora survey found no rare species, and only one priority species, Lasiopetalum membranaceum, near the southern end of the project.
This rare species is widespread in the tropical areas of the South America, particularly in Ecuador, Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso), Bolivia, Peru and Colombia.
Monardella cinerea is a rare species of flowering plant in the mint family known by the common name gray monardella.
The homestead Charlottendal on the north-eastern corner of the lake is surrounded by old agricultural lands where inorganic fertilisers and pesticides have never been used, and, as a consequence, contains many rare species, such as Common Rockrose, Dithering-grass, Scarlet Waxy Cap.
Other rare species are the Thyolo Alethe (Alethe choloensis) and the Dapple-throat (Modulatrix orostruthus) which occur elsewhere too.
There are over 15 rare species in the area, such as the southern cavefish, gray bat, Indiana bat, American Hart’s-tongue fern and Tennessee bladderfern.
The Olympic shrew (Sorex rohweri) is a rare species of shrew that lives in only 13 spots in northwest Washington State and, a recent discovery, in Burns Bog, located in Delta, BC.
Potentilla johnstonii is a rare species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name sagebrush cinquefoil.
Water birds, birds of prey, shore birds, warblers, and many other kinds of birds can be found here, including many rare species such as Sandhill Cranes, Red-shouldered Hawks, Cerulean Warblers, and others.
Other insect groups on the site are less well surveyed, but several rare species have been noted, including for six species of weevil Curculionoidea, eight species of plant bugs, Hemiptera and Homoptera; and two species of Chrysomelid beetle, Apthona herbigrada and Mantura matthewsii, both of which feed on the rock rose Helianthemum.
Once considered a very rare species, the Imperial Pheasant is actually a naturally occurring hybrid between the Silver Pheasant and the Vietnamese Pheasant.
Nationally rare species bur chervil can also be found in significant abundance on Swan Island.
The designation is based in part on Talisker's geological features (described above), but in part also on the presence of two rare species of Zygaenidae, the Talisker burnet moth and the transparent burnet moth.
The water beetle fauna is exceptionally rich, with the nationally rare species Hydrophilus piceus and Hydrochara caraboides together with the rare soldier flies Stratiomys furcata and Odontomyia ornata.
North of the village and along the river is the Blo' Norton and Thelnetham Fen Site of Special Scientific Interest, an important calcarous fen wetland site supporting a range of rare species such as black bog rush Schoenus nigricans and saw sedge Cladium mariscus plant species.
Some of the rare species that inhabit the Valdivian Coastal Range include the Pudu (the smallest deer in the world), the Degu, the Marine Otter, and the Monito del Monte, or mountain monkey (actually a marsupial).
Also, it is a natural habitat for rare species of butterflies such as Kaiser, Troides helena and Euploea.
The water beetle fauna is exceptionally rich, with the nationally rare species Hydrophilus piceus and Hydrochara caraboides together with the rare soldier flies Stratiomys furcata and Odontomyia ornata.
Several rare species were displaced or exterminated for the development, including the rare Oligosoma moco skink.
In the episode of Family Guy "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows", the swallow is depicted as being a rare species, which is why Peter is forced to keep a nested swallow in his beard, which eventually lays eggs and leaves baby birds.
The whitetail dogfish is a rare species known only from a few specimens taken by tuna longliners and trawlers.