
unusual facts about rationalist

Alexander Rosenberg

Rosenberg also coauthored an influential book on David Hume with Tom Beauchamp, Hume and the Problem of Causation, arguing that Hume was not a skeptic about induction but an opponent of rationalist theories of inductive inference.

Arab World Institute

The building acts as a buffer zone between the Jussieu Campus of Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI), built in large rationalist urban blocks, and the Seine.

Automóvil Club Argentino

Its national headquarters, designed in the Rationalist style by local architect Antonio U. Vilar and collaborators Alejandro Bustillo, was completed in 1942 on Buenos Aires' Avenida del Libertador.

C. P. Surendran

Born to Malayalam writer and rationalist Pavanan and Parvathy, C. P. Surendran received his M.A. in English Literature from Delhi University, Delhi and taught for short while at Calicut University before working as journalist in Bombay for many English newspapers including the The Times of India, Times Sunday Review, Bombay Times besides others.

Francis Haywood

In 1828 (describing himself as a 'layman of the Church of England', though he was in fact active in Liverpool Unitarian circles) he translated a reply by the theological rationalist Karl Gottlieb Bretschneider to Hugh James Rose's essay on the state of Protestantism in Germany.

Georges Canguilhem

Rabinow, Paul, "Introduction: A Vital Rationalist," in Canguilhem, A Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings.

Heinrich Klee

Heinrich Klee (Münstermaifeld, Rhine province, 20 April 1800 – Munich, 28 July 1840) was a German theologian and Biblical exegete who argued against liberal and Rationalist currents in Catholic thought.

Indian Rationalist Association

The Australian writer Greg Egan has used the Indian Rationalist Association in his novel Teranesia.

James Fearon

Fearon was identified by constructivist scholar Marc Lynch as the "leading rationalist" in international relations theory and credited him with resolving (along with constructivist Alexander Wendt) much of the theoretical debate between the two camps.

Johann Georg von Lori

He met the Prince of Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, with whom he discussed the rationalist philosophy of Christian Wolff and Johann Gottlieb Heineccius.

Karl Gottlieb Bretschneider

Hugh James Rose had published in England (1825) a volume of sermons on the rationalist movement (The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany), in which he classed Bretschneider with the rationalists; and Bretschneider contended that he himself was not a rationalist in the ordinary sense of the term, but a rational supernaturalist.

Maurizio Pollini

Pollini was born in Milan to the Italian rationalist architect Gino Pollini, who has been said to have been the first to bring Modernist architecture to Italy in the 1930s.

Poondi Kumaraswamy

He was a member of the Periyar's rationalist movement and a close friend of K. Veeramani.

Sociedade Brasileira de Céticos e Racionalistas

Sociedade Brasileira de Céticos e Racionalistas is the Brazilian society of skeptics and rationalists.

The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom

During sojourns in Warsaw, Paris, and the fictional island of Nipu (based on Japan, known to natives as Nippon), the protagonist gathers numerous experiences that lead him to a rationalist outlook and teach him how to become a good man, and thus a good citizen.

The Night Battles

The Night Battles is divided into four chapters, preceded by a preface written by Ginzburg, in which he discusses the various scholarly approaches that have been taken to studying Early Modern witchcraft, including the rationalist interpretation that emerged in the 18th century and the Witch-cult hypothesis presented by Margaret Murray.

William Whitehouse Collins

He was a rationalist (free-thought) lecturer and was involved with the English Secularists and obtained a diploma from the National Secular Society.

see also