
3 unusual facts about rebar

Cost database

Reinforcing bars are produced in certain sizes, with certain unit weights.


Bars in Europe will be specified to comply with the standard EN 10080 (awaiting introduction as of early 2007), although various national standards still remain in force (e.g. BS 4449 in the United Kingdom).

Thermomechanical processing

Then, they are progressively rolled to reduce the billets to the final size and shape of reinforcing bar.


Rebar | rebar |

Anti-Grain Geometry

Hilti uses it in some of their rebar detection tools, like the PS 1000.

Embarcadero Delphi

Delphi 3, released in 1997, added new VCL components encapsulating the 4.71 version of Windows Common Controls (such as Rebar and Toolbar), TDataset architecture separated from BDE, DLL debugging, the code insight technology, component packages, component templates, DecisionCube and Teechart components for statistical graphing, WebBroker, ActiveForms, MIDAS three tier architecture, component packages and integration with COM through interfaces.

Kuala Lumpur Middle Ring Road 2

However, findings from Halcrow Consultants Ltd. suggested the design did not comply with the requirement of BS5400, the improper anchoring of the column rebar to the crossbeams and the formation of ettringite (Delayed Ettringite Formation) were responsible for the cracks and were finally accepted by the ministry (Source: New Straits Times, 1 October 2004).


After numerous mergers and restructuring as of 2010 the plant now produces mainly long steel products (rebar, rails etc.), and is now part of the ArcelorMittal Rodange & Schifflange S.A, a division of ArcelorMittal.

see also