
2 unusual facts about recombination


Genetic recombination, the process by which genetic material is broken and joined to other genetic material

Plasma recombination, the formation of neutral atoms from the capture of free electrons by the cations in a plasma

Delitto perfetto

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the RAD52 gene is essential for homologous recombination, and thus is required for the delitto perfetto method.

Edge recombination operator

In a 1999 study at the University of the Basque Country, edge recombination provided better results than all the other crossover operators including partially mapped crossover and cycle crossover.

Edible Frog

Hybridogenesis implies that gametes of hybrids don't contain mixed parental genomes, as normally occurs by independent chromosome segregation and crossover in meiosis (see also second Mendel's law, recombination), but intact one of them or two.

Evolution of sexual reproduction

For example, recA recombinase, that catalyses the key functions of DNA homology search and strand exchange in the bacterial sexual process of transformation, has orthologs in eukaryotes that perform similar functions in meiotic recombination (see Wikipedia articles RecA, RAD51 and DMC1).

Franklin Stahl

In the succeeding years, his research involved the phages T4 and Lambda and the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with his primary focus on genetic recombination.


It is the result of a recombination event between B62(B*1501) and an HLA-C allele within Asia.

Hyper IgM syndrome

Hyper-IgM syndrome type 4, which is a defect in class switch recombination downstream of the AICDA gene that does not impair Somatic Hyper Mutation.

Hyper-IgM syndrome type 4

Hyper-IgM syndrome type 4 is a form of Hyper IgM syndrome which is a defect in class switch recombination downstream of the AICDA gene that does not impair somatic hypermutation.

Mechanism of sonoluminescence

Because temperatures are increasing from several hundred to many thousand kelvin during collapse, the processes can be molecular recombination, collision-induced emission, molecular emission, excimers, atomic recombination, radiative attachments of ions, neutral and ion Bremsstrahlung, or emission from confined electrons in voids.


Steven Feld (1994, p. 265-271), apparently in response to R. Murray Schafer's schizophonia and borrowing the term from Bateson, employs schismogenesis to name the recombination and recontextualization of sounds split from their sources.

Stephan W. Koch

(abbreviated as SLEs); the SLEs describe the quantum physics where quantum fluctuations of light initiate incoherent light emission from spontaneous recombination of Coulomb-coupled electron–hole pairs.

Synthetic genomics

The J. Craig Venter Institute has assembled a quasi-synthetic Mycoplasma genitalium yeast genome by recombination of 25 overlapping fragments in a single step.

see also