
unusual facts about recusant


Cisalpine Club

The two chief leaders were Lord Petre and Sir John Throckmorton, both members of old recusant families, who had suffered much in times past under the Penal Laws.

Edward Anthony Hatton

He was probably the son of Edward Hatton, yeoman, of Great Crosby, Lancashire, who registered his estate as a Catholic non-juror in 1717, and whose family appears in the recusant rolls.

Gwilym Puw

Captain Gwilym Puw (sometimes anglicised as William Pugh) (c. 1618 - c. 1689) was a Welsh Catholic poet and Royalist officer and a member of a prominent Recusant family from the Creuddyn in north Wales.

John Gother

Later, at an unknown date (possibly 1688), Gother became chaplain to the recusant family of George Holman of Warkworth, Northamptonshire, at the Castle or Manor.

Mother Mary More

Sir Thomas Gage, 6th Baronet, also a recusant, offered them the use of Hengrave Hall near Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk where they stayed until 1802, when they returned to Bruges.

Richard Challoner

This was at Warkworth, Northamptonshire, seat of the recusant Roman Catholic family, that of George Holman, whose wife, Lady Anastasia Holman, was a daughter of Blessed William Howard, 1st Viscount Stafford, a Catholic unjustly condemned and beheaded in the Titus Oates hysteria of 1678.

Thomas Maxfield

He was born in Stafford gaol, one of the younger sons of William Macclesfield of Chesterton and Maer and Aston, Staffordshire; William Macclesfield was a Catholic recusant, condemned to death in 1587 for harbouring priests, one of whom was his brother Humphrey.

William Jennens

Robert Jennens purchased Acton Place from the Daniels recusant Catholic family in 1708 and continuously remodelled it in the Palladian style until his death in 1725.

see also