
unusual facts about reformatory

Boys' Reformatory

Small-framed Frankie Darro had a long career playing teens in juvenile delinquency films such as Wild Boys of the Road, Wanted by the Police (1938), Tough Kid (1938), Reformatory (1938), and Juvenile Court (1938).

Chapmore End

On the other side of the B158 in the Rib Valley is the former Hertford County Reformatory for boys, which was in operation between 1858 and 1981, and is now a private residential area known as Crouchfields.

Coxsackie Correctional Facility

The first inmates received at this institution, generally known as "Coxsackie," were older inmates from the New York House of Refuge which was being closed after serving as a juvenile reformatory since 1825.


the Citadelle, built by Vauban, which has often served as a state prison, and later, a reformatory for girls.

East Jersey State Prison

In 1895, the New Jersey Legislature voted to establish the state’s first reformatory.

Hardwicke, Stroud

Hardwicke Reformatory, established in 1852, has been claimed as the first Approved School for boys in the world.

Herbard VIII von Auersperg

As a renowned pillar of Protestantism Herbard von Auersperg thus opposed strongly the counter-reformatory measures of the Inner-Austrian Court in Graz and resisted the Catholic clerics in Carniola, who were mostly strangers to the land.


Here too he made contact with leading figures of the spiritual and reformatory circles of the day, such as Jan Amos Comenius, and Antoinette Bourignon.

Lord Jeff

He is sent to a mercantile marine school, one of many vocational schools run by Dr. Barnardo's home for orphaned boys, with the warning that if he does not behave himself, he will be transferred to a reformatory.

Manchester Women's Christian Temperance Association

By December 1888 the MWCTA had lobbied for a change in the Inebriates Act 1879 and the Manchester Guardian reported a proposal, endorsed by Sir William Houldsworth, and submitted to the Home Secretary for ‘fresh legislation and the ability of magistrates to commit inebriates to a reformatory and the cost be defrayed from the rates, subscriptions and payments by the inmates’.

Pious Workers of St. Joseph Calasanctius of the Mother of God

At Vienna, which has been so far the chief scene of their activity, in addition to undertaking the works already mentioned, they have taken charge of the reformatory (1904), have opened a public library and have founded among other associations a Guard of Honour of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Rory Calhoun

At age thirteen, he stole a revolver, for which he was sent to the California Youth Authority's Preston School of Industry reformatory at Ione, California.

Stockport Sunday School

James Bradley served 4½ years in the Bradwall Reformatory School, and Peter Barrett was sent to a Reformatory in Warwirkshire.

Washingtonian movement

Referred to as inebriate asylums and reformatory homes, they included the New York State Inebriate Asylum, The Inebriate Home of Long Island, N.Y., the Home for Incurables in San Francisco, the Franklin Reformatory Home in Philadelphia and the Washingtonian Homes which opened in Boston and Chicago in 1857.

see also