
unusual facts about religious denomination

Associated Brotherhood of Christians

The Associated Brotherhood of Christians is a Christian religious denomination.

The Evangelical Alliance Mission

The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) is an inter-denominational evangelical Christian missionary organization founded by Fredrik Franson.

Westminster Presbyterian Church in the United States

The Westminster Presbyterian Church in the United States (WPCUS) is a small Presbyterian denomination which was constituted in January 2006 in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania.

see also


Cook Islands Christian Church, the largest religious denomination in the Cook Islands

Dunkard Brethren

One of a religious denomination practicing trine immersion and refusing oaths and military service; -also Tunkers, Dippers, and, by themselves, Brethren, or, officially, German Baptist Brethren. The denomination was founded in 1708 at Schwarzenau, in Wittenburg, Germany, by Alexander Mack.