
unusual facts about religious ritual

Psilocybe hispanica

It has been argued that prehistoric rock art at a site known as Selva Pascuala near the Spanish town of Villar del Humo offers evidence that P. hispanica was used in religious rituals 6,000 years ago.

see also

Ancient Pueblo peoples

Suggested alternatives include: a community under the pressure of starvation or extreme social stress, dismemberment and cannibalism as religious ritual or in response to religious conflict, the influx of outsiders seeking to drive out a settled agricultural community via calculated atrocity, or an invasion of a settled region by nomadic raiders who practiced cannibalism; such peoples have existed in other times and places, e.g. the Androphagi of Europe.

Maud Oakes

These include Where the Two Came to Their Father: A Navaho War Ceremony (given by Jeff King, with commentary by Joseph Campbell), The Two Crosses of Todos Santos: Survivals of Mayan Religious Ritual and Beyond the Windy Place.

Tassili n'Ajjer

In his 1992 book Food of the Gods, new-age icon Terence McKenna hypothesized that the Neolithic culture that inhabited the site used psilocybin mushrooms as part of its religious ritual life, citing rock paintings showing persons holding mushroom-like objects in their hands, as well as mushrooms growing from their bodies.