
unusual facts about repository

1945 in art

Allied forces reach the Nazi stolen art repository in the salt mines at Altaussee in Austria, finding more than 6,500 paintings.

Anita Coleman

Anita Coleman is also the founder of an interdisciplinary open access repository, dLIST - Digital Library of Information Science and Technology.

Bielefeld University

It works with commercial system suppliers to meet the needs of academic libraries—collaborations that have resulted in developments such as BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), by which metadata is collected from scientific repository servers and indexed, along with data from selected web sites and data collections, using the Solr framework.


The Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID) is a curated biological database of protein-protein and genetic interactions created in 2003 (originally referred to as simply the General Repository for Interaction Datasets (GRID) by Mike Tyers, Bobby-Joe Breitkreutz, and Chris Stark at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Bob Perciasepe

And he worked to ensure that EPA standards for any potential nuclear waste repository – for instance, such as the one once proposed for Yucca Mountain- will be protective of human health.


A repository for books *The Bookhouse Boys, a secret society on the American television serial drama Twin Peaks

Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis

The project aims to accelerate genomic research by amassing a large repository of metagenomic data generated by independent members of the research community at large, by developing a custom bioinformatics toolset optimized for cluster computing, and by offering the high-performance computing infrastructure on which to run it.


Connexions, a repository of educational content provided by Rice University

Continuous integration

Microsoft Team Foundation Server: proprietary software development collaboration platform with continuous integration server and source code repository.

Cortes Españolas

The Spanish Cortes were not intended as the repository of national sovereignty, since the whole sovereign power was concentrated in the head of state (Caudillo), in the absence of separation of powers.

Culture Collection, University of Göteborg

Culture Collection, University of Göteborg, Sweden (CCUG) is a Swedish microbial culture repository located in Göteborg, Sweden established in 1968 and affiliated with the University of Gothenburg.


Bulldog, announced in December 2001, added extensive digital asset management capabilities to the repository for the management of digitized multimedia content.

Energy drift

Energy drift is often used as a measure of the quality of the simulation, and has been proposed as one quality metric to be routinely reported in a mass repository of molecular dynamics trajectory data analogous to the Protein Data Bank.

Esri Canada

Power Stream, the second largest municipally-owned electricity distribution company in Ontario, integrated numerous disparate enterprise systems following several mergers and acquisitions, and established a central repository of network asset data using the Esri-based ArcFM solution by Telvent.

Eureka Springs and North Arkansas Railway

Built in 1913, the depot is a repository for dozens of railroadiana items, including props which helped disguise the two Moguls as 1860s 4-4-0 American engines for the filming of scenes from the 1982 television mini-series The Blue and the Gray.


FlyBase is an online bioinformatics database and the primary repository of genetic and molecular data for the insect family Drosophilidae.

Gerard C. Bond

He worked at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York as Head of the Deep-Sea Sample Repository, after teaching briefly at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts and the University of California, Davis.

German National Library

In July 2000, the DMA also assumed the role as repository for GEMA, Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte, a German music copyright organization.

Good Faith Collaboration

Reagle explores the history of collaboration, touching on the methods of the Quakers, the World Brain envisaged by H. G. Wells and Paul Otlet's Universal Repository.

Gypsy horse

All American registries, including the International Drum Horse Association below, employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky as the repository of their registered horses' DNA markers.

IBM Rational ClearQuest

The schemas are actually stored as SQL within the tables of the Schema Repository database itself.

Ingrain, Inc.

Utilizing their technologies, expertise in reservoir rock analysis, and equipment from Carl Zeiss, Ingrain will characterize thousands of meters of whole core currently being stored at ANH’s National Core Repository (Litoteca Nacional de Colombia).

Joseph Ebsworth

In 1828 he opened an "English and foreign dramatic library and caricature repository" at 23 Elm Row, at the head of Leith Walk, Edinburgh, and for fifteen years maintained it successfully as the main bookseller's shop for periodical literature.

KDE Software Compilation 4

Nokia adopted Phonon for multimedia use in Qt 4.4 and are developing backends for Gstreamer, Windows and OS X in the KDE SVN repository under the LGPL.

Learning object metadata

LearnAlberta.ca is a Canadian learning object repository maintained by Alberta Education, the Province of Alberta's education Ministry.


Of the manuscripts authored by Momik, only several survive: one is found at the repository of the Mkhitarist Order in Vienna and three others are found at the Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts in Yerevan, Armenia.

Motley County Historical Museum

The Motley County Historical Museum is a repository of the history of rural Motley County, located at 828 Dundee Street in the former Traweek Hospital building in Matador, Texas.

My Favorite Husband

These radio episodes are in the public domain, and CDs containing the entire run of My Favorite Husband in the MP3 format are legally offered by several private vendors through eBay and other sites, such as at the public domain repository, the Internet Archive.

Naomi Oreskes

In 1999 she participated as a consultant to the US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board for developing a repository safety strategy for the Yucca Mountain project, with special attention to model validation.

National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms

The National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM) is an Indian Government organized microbial culture repository located in NCL, Pune, in western India.


National Biomedical Imaging Archive, a National Cancer Institute repository of medical images for researchers and imaging tool developers


The nLab was originally conceived to provide a repository for ideas (and even new research) generated in the comments on posts at the n-Category Café, a group blog run (at the time) by John Baez, David Corfield and Urs Schreiber.


National Learning Network, a large UK repository of online learning materials

Pembrokeshire Record Office

Pembrokeshire Record Office is a county record office and archive repository located within the town of Haverfordwest in south-west Wales.

Peter Murray-Rust

In 2002, Peter Murray-Rust and his colleagues proposed an electronic repository for unpublished chemical data called the World Wide Molecular Matrix (WWMM).


Plink (PuTTY Link) is a free and open-source (MIT license) command-line network connection tool similar to UNIX ssh written by Simon Tatham, author of another popular terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application name PuTTY It is mostly used for automated operations, such as making CVS access a repository on a remote server.

Publication of Domesday Book

In March 1767 Charles Morton (1716–1799), a librarian at the British Museum, was put in charge of the scheme; a fact which caused resentment towards him from Abraham Farley, a deputy chamberlain of the Exchequer who for many years had controlled access to Domesday Book in its repository at the Chapter House, Westminster, and furthermore had been involved in the recent Parliament Rolls printing operation.

Richard of Verdun

Due to his intimate connections with the local nobility, notably Gerard of Florennes, Bishop of Cambrai and Poppo of Stavelot, Richard was able to transform the simple monastery into a truly monumental repository of a variety of relics.

Royal American

Royal American Magazine (The Royal American Magazine, or Universal Repository of Instruction and Amusement), (January 1774 - March 1775), a short-lived monthly periodical published in Boston, Massachusetts


The repository manages artifacts like schemas (e.g. XML Schema or RELAX NG), service descriptions (e.g. WSDL), business process definitions (e.g. BPEL) and policies (e.g. WS-Policy).

SAP NetWeaver Process Integration

According to SAP, PI reduces the TCO by providing a common repository for interfaces.

Sarah Tyacke

It included the building of a greatly expanded repository on the office's site at Kew in 1995, and the subsequent removal of services from the old Public Record Office building in Chancery Lane; the opening of the Family Records Centre for family historians in 1997; and the merger of the office with the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts in 2003 to form the new National Archives.

Satoshi Nakamoto

Near this time, he handed over control of the source code repository and alert key functions of the software to Gavin Andresen.

Siege of Avalon

Currently, nothing has been released and the source code of the game is only available on Source Forge in the project's Concurrent Versions System repository.

Symbian Foundation

Nokia has been the major contributor to the code, and has been maintaining their own code repository for the platform development ever since the purchase of Symbian Ltd., regularly releasing their development to the public repository.

The Ladies' Repository

The Ladies' Repository was a monthly periodical based in Cincinnati and produced by members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

The Scripter's Scrapbook

1984 The notion of a content-oriented information repository was conceived using BBCB that led to a generic knowledge-management system called HyperManuscript.

Thirteen Communities

Ljetzan has the cultural institute "Tautsche Püachar Haus" and ethnological museum which is a repository of the Cimbrian culture and cooperates with other linguistic enclaves in Luserna and the Seven Communities.


This is the repository of liberating experience in Islam.

Your Favorite Gene

Your Favorite Gene is a dynamic web-based research tool provided by Sigma-Aldrich Corp and powered by Ingenuity Systems' Knowledge Base, a repository of biological and chemical networks that is the largest database of its kind.

see also