
3 unusual facts about repression


Political repression, the oppression or persecution of an individual or group for political reasons

Psychological repression, the psychological act of excluding desires and impulses from one's consciousness

Memory inhibition, the ability to filter irrelevant memories from attempts to recall

Albert Muwalo

His close contact with Banda, both as minister in Banda’s office and in the MCP gave him great power and, during the first half of the 1970s he and his relative, the Head of the Police Special Branch Focus Gwede, were heavily involved in the political repression of actual or suspected opponents of the Banda regime.

Alexander Prokhorov

Prokhorov was born in 1916 in Atherton, Queensland, to a family of Russian revolutionaries who emigrated from Russia to escape repression by the tsarist government.

Algeciras Conference

The final Act of the conference of Algeciras, signed on April 7, 1906, covered the organisation of Morocco's police and customs, regulations concerning the repression of the smuggling of armaments, and concessions to the European bankers from a newly formed State Bank of Morocco, issuing banknotes backed by gold, with a 40-year term.

Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor

These agents have been used in acute promyelocytic leukemia and have been found to affect the HDAC-mediated transcriptional repression.

Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala

The Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala is an entity made up of Trique Indians who declared their autonomy of the Mexican state in 2006 as a reaction to repression by the Mexican state, especially the Oaxacan government, whose leader Ulises Ruiz was targeted by the APPO movement at the time.

Bonnie Dundee

From 1668 John Graham, the laird of Claverhouse was at the forefront of Royalist repression of the Covenanters, for which he was called "Bluidy Clavers" (Bloody Claverhouse) by his covenanting opponents.

Buddy Collette

He also helped organize a concert and rally protesting government repression of the African American singer, actor, and political activist Paul Robeson.

Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities

The Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities (Buró de Represión de Actividades Comunistas, or BRAC) was the secret police agency that Fulgencio Batista maintained in the 1950s, which gained a reputation for brutality in its fight against pro-Castro rebels.

Constant Detré

He was an artist who left his native Hungary for good in rather obscure circumstances following the repression against the Béla Kun government of 1919.

Edward S. Herman

Herman and Chomsky challenged the veracity of media accounts of war crimes and repression by the Vietnamese communists, stating that "the basic sources for the larger estimates of killings in the North Vietnamese land reform were persons affiliated with the CIA or the Saigon Propaganda Ministry" and "the NLF-DRV 'bloodbath' at Hue in South Vietnam was constructed on flimsy evidence indeed".

Femke Halsema

The direct cause of her break with the party was the perceived police repression during protests during the 1997 European summit in Amsterdam.

Forced settlement

Forced settlements in the Soviet Union, punitive settlements, a tool of Soviet political repression

Gabrio Serbelloni

In 1567 Serbelloni followed the Spanish armies into Belgium under the Duke of Alva during the repression of the Flemish revolt, being appointed twice as governor of Antwerp.

Gang des postiches

On January 14, 1986, the device was triggered, summoning the BRB (Banditry Repression Brigade) and the BRI (Research and Intervention Brigade) around the Credit Lyonnais branch on 39, rue du Docteur-Blanche, in the 16th arrondissement, and this time it was effective.

Great Terror

The Great Purge (1936–1938), a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union

Humans as Gods

Snegov's career in literature was a hard one: being subjected to repression during Stalin's rule, he remained under informal suspicion in later life.

Igor Rodionov

Rodionov was held responsible for the violent repression of demonstrations in April 1989 during the April 9 protests in Tbilisi, during which 19 people were killed and hundreds injured.

Internally displaced person

Burma (Myanmar) has about 503,000 IDPs due to decades of a long Internal conflict in Myanmar and government repression of ethnic minorities as well as Cyclone Nargis.

Irish College at Lisbon

Following repression of the Jesuits in Portugal the college was also suppressed in 1759, the College re-opened under 1782 by a Dr. Brady with the support of the Irish Bishops, who was succeeded by a Dr. Bartholomew Crotty (a former student, and professor of the college and a future Bishop of Cloyne) in 1799, until 1811, when he was replaced by a Rev. Dunne.

James Walston

Walston is one of the first academics who wrote about forgotten fascist Italy's role in ethnic cleansing and internments of civil population in Italian concentration camps, such as under Mario Roatta's watch in the Province of Ljubljana, that are in Italian media subjected to the repression of historical memory, and to historical revisionism especially in relation to the post-war foibe killings.

Jesús Álvarez Amaya

This led to repression of the group, but they were able to reopen in 1969, with the organization including writers and artists such as Jaime Sabines, Rubén Salazar Mallén, Efraín Huerta, Thelma Nava, Roberto López Moreno, Xorge del Campo, Dionicio Morales, Gerardo de la Torre, René Avilés Fabila and Manuel Blanco.

Juan Tusquets Terrats

When Tusquets finally became a collaborator of Franco in Burgos during the Civil War, his files on alleged Freemasons would provide an important part of the organisational infrastructure of the repression.

Martha Rosler

She has produced numerous other "word works" and photo/text publications; now exploring cookery in a mock dialogue between Julia Child and Craig Claiborne, now analyzing imagery of women in Russia or exploring responses to repression, crisis, and war.

Mir-590 microRNA precursor family

This downregulation sees the removal of post-transcriptional repression of TGF-β1 and TGF-β receptor type II (TGF-βRII), and consequent collagen production.

Municipium Iasorum

After the repression of the major rebellion headed by Bato (6-9 AD), the Romans founded a military camp in the Daruvar basin, at the site previously occupied by the Iasian oppidum.

Occupy protests in New Zealand

Following the brutal repression of the Occupation of City Square in Melbourne, the GA approved an Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Australia, denouncing the actions of the Victoria Police and calling for an end to the suppression of the Occupation Movement in Australia.

Office of Public Safety

The head of the OPS, Byron Engle, sent Los Angeles Police Department officers to Venezuela in 1962 to train local police officers and assist them in repression against the Armed Forces of National Liberation (AFNL).


Along with this repression and the end of the Revolution of 1905 came a shift in the political police’s mentality; gone were the days of Nicholas I’s white-gloved moral police: post-1905 the political police feared that the Russian people were as eager to destroy them as to depose the Tsar.

Orgastic potency

Reich argued that if repression occurred, this energy, in the form of stored emotions or affects, was held back by muscular contraction or armor, which restricts and immobilises the body and becomes the somatic core of neuroses, making full orgastic discharge impossible.

Pacification of Libya

At the signing ceremony of the document, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi declared: "In this historic document, Italy apologizes for its killing, destruction and repression of the Libyan people during the period of colonial rule." and went on to say that this was a "complete and moral acknowledgement of the damage inflicted on Libya by Italy during the colonial era".

Pepe Soriano

A return to democracy in 1983 allowed Argentine artists to create works critical of the climate of abuses prevalent during the preceding dictatorship and Soriano was cast as the lead in Mercedes Frutos' 1984 film version of Adolfo Bioy Casares' Otra esperanza ("Another Hope"), a horror narrative set in a factory with secrets - a timely metaphor for much of the repression that had targeted industrial workers.

Ricardo Brinzoni

Nevertheless he was heavily criticised for defending the repression and military illegal actions of the military government, for allegedly protecting the officers involved, and for setting back the reconciliation process that had been started by his predecessor, Martín Balza.

Sefer HaTemunah

According to Lawrence Kushner, author of The Book of Letters: A Mystical Alef-Bait, Sefer HaTemunah teaches that "every defect in our present universe is mysteriously connected with this unimaginable consonant", and that as soon as the missing letter is given to us, our Universe will be filled with undreamed of new words, the words that will turn repression into loving.

Sierra Leone Progressive Independence Movement

The party suffered from repression from the government, SLST and Paramount Chiefs.

Sister My Sister

The film is directed by Nancy Meckler and written by Wendy Kesselman, based on her own play, My Sister in This House. Both the play and the subsequent film deal with societal repression and its victims.

Texas Communist Party

The party has a long history of progressive struggle against segregation and for immigration reform, as well as being targeted by state-supported repression and terrorism.

The Great Terror

Nevertheless, some historians maintain their original, higher estimates, among them Stalin biographer Simon Sebag Montefiore, Perestroika architect and former head of the Presidential Committee for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, and the director of Yale's "Annals of Communism" series Jonathan Brent, putting the death toll at about 20 million.

Thomas Firmin

Firmin was an original member of the Society for the Reformation of Manners (1691), and was very active in the enforcement of fines for the repression of profane swearing.

Toluca Valley

There was some repression of rebellions under later emperor Ahuitzotl but there was no major military activity in the valley again until the Spanish conquest .


Despite the diminished threat, the civilian government of Juan María Bordaberry ceded government authority to the military in July, 1973 in a bloodless coup that led to further repression against the population and the suppression of all parties.

Twm Siôn Cati

The television series Hawkmoor created by Lynn Hughes and starring John Ogwen as Twm and Jane Asher as Lady Johane Williams was broadcast by the BBC in 1978, depicting Twm as a Welsh Robin Hood/freedom fighter protecting the Welsh people from the repression of English-born Sheriff John Stedman (Jack May) and the cruel (Catholic) Vicar Davyd (Philip Madoc).

Two Grey Rooms

Lyrical inspiration escaped the songwriter until 1989, when she encountered the story of New German Cinema director Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who, amid the repression of Germany’s antigay Paragraph 175 laws, was left broken-hearted by a male lover in his youth.

Valivitta Thevar

The region of Ramanathapuram was economically depressed and lacking in education, as a result of repression under the British Raj.


On 28 May 2012 violent repression of local residents by the police in the province of Espinar, Cuzco, Peru, caused the deaths of two civilians.

see also