
unusual facts about resurrection of Christ

Georgios Papadopoulos

Other metaphors contained religious imagery related to the resurrection of Christ at Easter: “Χριστός Ανέστη – Ελλάς Ανέστη” translating as "Christ has risen – Greece has risen", alluding that the junta would "save" Greece and resurrect her into a greater, new Land.

North Raleigh United Methodist Church

The main window panels above the altar in the chancel contains paintings of the Resurrection of Christ with Christ, holding the Rod of Aaron, appearing to St. Mary Magdalene.

Ross Clifford

His MA thesis examined the apologetics arguments of eight lawyers concerning the resurrection of Christ.

see also

Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America

In 1991, the (then) Protopresbyter Ilia Katre, who had served for many years as Dean of Students at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA, took up residence in Albania, organized and opened the Resurrection of Christ Seminary with the blessing of the newly arrived Patriarchal Exarch, Anastasios.

Berchtold of Engelberg

When Abbot Burchard openly taught that the souls of the just had gone to heaven before the Resurrection of Christ, Berchtold himself wrote Apologia contra errorem Burchardi Abbatis S. Joannis in Thurthal seu Vallis Taurinae, in which he shows himself not only well versed in Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Fathers but also a master in theological knowledge and dialectical skill.

Gellért Hill

On Easter Mondays a procession climbed the steep road leading to the calvary to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Lorenzo Tancini

He also was commissioned by the Ospizi civili of Cortemaggiore to paint a Resurrection of Christ found in the chapel of the Suffrage.