
unusual facts about resurrection

Back from the Dead

Resurrection, refers to the literal coming back to life of the biologically dead

Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Afro Samurai: Resurrection is a 2009 film sequel to the 2007 Afro Samurai anime; the movie was shown on Spike TV, on January 25, 2009.

Alfredo Casella

The resurrection of Vivaldi's works in the 20th century is mostly thanks to the efforts of Casella, who in 1939, organised the now historic Vivaldi Week, in which the poet Ezra Pound was also involved.

Anastasios Christodoulou

Christodoulou had been born on Easter Day and was named 'Anastasios' by his parents, meaning 'Resurrection'.

Anton Christian Bang

In 1876 he took the first doctorate in theology at the University of Oslo on the subject Om Kristi Opstandelses historiske Virkelighed (On Christ's Resurrection's Historical Reality).


It contains three oils that depict the resurrection of Jesus, his flogging and being kissed by Judas.


Attis was also a Phrygian god of vegetation, and in his self-mutilation, death, and resurrection he represents the fruits of the earth, which die in winter only to rise again in the spring.

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal

She was once Bhaal's high priestess, to whom he entrusted the task of his resurrection.

Ballachulish Camanachd Club

In her article, When it's rational to hate a stranger, Scottish journalist Sylvia Patterson wrote that she hoped footballer Cristiano Ronaldo would be resurrected as "as a 5ft 2in winger of a Ballachulish shinty team" in order to teach him a lesson about humility.

Berta Rosenbaum Golahny

Her thesis painting, The Resurrection, was awarded the Painting Prize by juror Ben Shahn.

Body of resurrection

In some modern esoteric Christian and theosophical oriented doctrines the resurrection body is related to the Guardian of the Threshold.

Book of Ezekiel

In the 1st century AD the historian Josephus said that the prophet wrote two books: he may have had in mind the Apocryphon of Ezekiel, a 1st-century BC text that expands on the doctrine of resurrection.

Book of Zechariah

These chapters helped the writers of the Gospels understand Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection, which they quoted as they wrote of Jesus’ final days.

Cairo Celebration Choir

Also, many members of the Cairo Celebration Choir joined the A Capella Choir (Cairo Opera House Official Choir)in March 2006 for the performance of Gustav Mahler's Second Symphony known as the "Resurrection" under the baton of Gilbert Kaplan.

Christopher Steel

In 1977/78 during a brief period in Minnesota, USA, he wrote what he considered to be his most important work, the "Passion and Resurrection according to St Mark" for choir and orchestra.

Évry Cathedral

Évry Cathedral of the Resurrection (Cathédrale de la Résurrection d'Évry) is a Roman Catholic cathedral in the new town of Évry (Essonne), France, designed by Swiss architect Mario Botta.

François Meyronnis

In 2009 Yannick Haenel and François Meyronnis published Prélude à la délivrance (Prelude to deliverance) gathering numerous conversations and essays about Varlam Shalamov, Paul Celan and the topic of resurrection in the novel Moby Dick.

I Am the Resurrection

John Squire designed the "I Am the Resurrection" cover, (an up-close shot from the cover of the first album) continuing the Jackson Pollock-influenced theme of singles from The Stone Roses.

J. B. Sumarlin

When it is, in the beginning of 1969 or the beginning of the New Order resurrection, Sumarlin as the Deputy Fiscal and Monetary Bappenas asked to accompany the Chairman of Bappenas Widjojo Nitisastro attend Cabinet meetings Economics Limited, at the National Palace.

James Miller McKim

McKim was depicted in the The Resurrection of Henry Box Brown at Philadelphia, a lithograph by artist Samuel W. Rowse, which was widely published to help raise funds for the Underground Railroad.

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Christ myth theory proponent G. A. Wells still sees an analogy with the Resurrection of Jesus in the Pauline epistles and Osiris, in that Osiris dies and is mourned on the first day and that his resurrection is celebrated on the third day with the joyful cry "Osiris has been found".

John T. Darragh

Darragh's book, The Resurrection of the Flesh was published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, in London in 1921.

Leon Major

Among the productions he has directed are: Macbeth, Falstaff, Intermezzo, Volpone, Don Pasquale, Don Carlos, Resurrection, Aida, Don Giovanni, Roméo et Juliette, La traviata, L'elisir d'amore, Carmen (on Boston Common) Eugene Onegin, The Aspern Papers, Cosi fan tutte, Il barbiere di Siviglia, and Peter Grimes.

Liberation of Saint Peter

James B. Jordan suggests that this incident is portrayed as being a type of resurrection for Peter.

Lorenzo Tancini

He also was commissioned by the Ospizi civili of Cortemaggiore to paint a Resurrection of Christ found in the chapel of the Suffrage.

Lorraine Hunt Lieberson

She performed in Mahler's Symphony No. 2 (Resurrection) with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus; Michael Tilson Thomas was the conductor and Celena Shafer was the soprano soloist.

Macrina the Younger

Gregory of Nyssa composed a "Dialogue on the Soul and Resurrection" (peri psyches kai anastaseos), entitled ta Makrinia (P.G. XLVI, 12 sq.), to commemorate Macrina, in which Gregory purports to describe the conversation he had with Macrina on her deathbed, in a literary form modelled on Plato's Phaedo.

Martin Edmond

Martin's books includes Streets of Music (1980), Houses, Days, Skies (1988), The Autobiography of My Father (1992), and The Resurrection of Philip Clairmont (1999).

Michael Lorant

Michael Lorant is an American singer-musician, best known for producing the album Jesus Christ Superstar: A Resurrection, a project done with Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, members of Indigo Girls.

Michael Olah

He is best known for his role as Michael Prudhomme in the 1999 film, Resurrection alongside Christopher Lambert.

Music to Raise the Dead

The cassette, featuring the kind of hard rock for which Resurrection Band would eventually become known, was recorded not long after the Jesus People USA community had moved from Minneapolis to Chicago, but before they found a permanent home in Uptown.

Noble Causes

At the end of Noble Causes: Distant Relatives #4, he was returned to life in a twist similar to Bobby Ewing's resurrection.

Painted Skin: The Resurrection

In mainland China, Painted Skin: The Resurrection scored the highest grossing opening for a local film and the third highest opening following the 3-D re-release of Titanic (1997) and Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Pavel Svedomsky

Working in the St Vladimir's Cathedral in Kiev, Svedosmky painted the northern and southern naves of the cathedral, creating six scenes from the life of Jesus: The Resurrection of Lazarus, The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Trial of Pilate, The Crucifixion and The Ascension.

Resurrection Cemetery

Saint Charles Cemetery — a Roman Catholic cemetery also known as "St. Charles/Resurrection Cemeteries" in Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York, in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

Resurrection Health Care

Prior to the merger, Resurrection Health Care's six hospitals were Holy Family Medical Center (Des Plaines, Illinois), Our Lady of the Resurrection Medical Center (Chicago), Resurrection Medical Center (Chicago), Saint Francis Hospital (Evanston, Illinois), Saint Joseph Hospital (Chicago), and Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center (Chicago).

Resurrection of Eve

Resurrection of Eve is a 1973 American feature-length pornographic film produced by the Mitchell brothers and starring Marilyn Chambers, who had become a start in the Mitchell Brothers's previous picture, Behind the Green Door.

Resurrection of Jesus in Christian art

A good example is from the Chora Church in Istanbul, where John the Baptist, Solomon and other figures are also present, depicting that Christ was not alone in the resurrection.

Rick Flag

Bob Greenberger, who co-created the Suicide Squad alongside John Ostrander, has publicly objected to the resurrection of Rick Flag.

Robert Coulson

Characters modelled on and named after him appear in two novels by Wilson Tucker, To the Tombaugh Station and Resurrection Days.

San Francesco al Prato Resurrection

According to art historian Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle, Raphael, then an assistant of Perugino, had a major role in the execution of the Resurrection.

San Samuele, Venice

The cycle depicts eight Sibyls, Greek and Roman female seers who were believed to have predicted events in the life of Christ such as the Annunciation, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.

Sansepolcro Cathedral

Works of art in the interior include the Incredulity of St. Thomas by Santi di Tito (1576–1577), a Crucifixion fresco by Bartolomeo della Gatta (1486), an Adoration of the Shepherd by Durante Alberti and, at the high altar, the Resurrection Polyptych by Niccolò di Segna (c. 1348).

Scars of Dracula

This film opens with a resurrection scene set shortly after the climax of Taste the Blood of Dracula, but is set in Dracula's Transylvanian homeland rather than England, as that film was.

St Mary's Church, Bungay

This contains a 17th-century Flemish panel depicting the Resurrection that was given to the church by the author H. Rider Haggard.

St Mary's Church, Derwen

The stained glass in the south chancel window was designed by H. E. Wooldridge and made by James Powell and Sons; it is dated 1869 and depicts the Nativity, the Resurrection and the Ascension.

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz

In connection with its negation of spatial depth by compressing figures into the foreground, the early Florentine Mannerists—Rosso Fiorentino, Pontormo and Parmigianino—are mentioned, as well two paintings by Tintoretto: the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Lazarus, the latter because of the horizontal row of spectators behind the miracle.

The Chapters Live

The story was inspired by the Cold War, and the preservation of Albert Einstein's brain, which was kept by Thomas S. Harvey, M.D. There are also science fiction themes, such as aliens being concerned with humanity's self-destruction, and the resurrection of the dead through technology.

Torre dels Escipions

In the intermediate body are two reliefs of the god of Phrygian Attis deity of death and resurrection, son of Pessinunte and also on the same level there is a burial chamber that housed the furnishings of the deceased; at the base measures 4.40 x 4.70 m.

see also