
unusual facts about rhetorician



Michael Apostolius (died c. 1480), a Greek theologian and rhetorician of the 15th century.


Epidius (1st century BC) was an Ancient Roman rhetorician who taught the art of oratory towards the close of the republic, numbering Marcus Antonius and Octavianus among his scholars.

Frederick Scott

Fred Newton Scott (1860–1931), American writer, educator and rhetorician

Fronto of Emesa

Fronto of Emesa is a famous rhetorician and uncle on Cassius Longinus.

Marcus Scaurus

Mamercus Aemilius Scaurus (died 1st-century), Roman rhetorician, poet and senator, son of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus.


Phrynichus Arabius, or Phrynichus Atticista abbreviated in lexica simply as Phryn., a grammarian and rhetorician of the 2nd century AD.

see also