
unusual facts about rhinoceros beetle

Kirby: Triple Deluxe

New copy abilities include: beetle which allows Kirby to use a rhinoceros beetle's horn to impale enemies and slam them on the ground or pick them up and carry them around, bell; wields twin bells like clubs and can attack with sound waves and use the bell as a shield, archer; fires arrows in any direction and clown which allows Kirby to ride on a giant rolling ball to bowl over enemies and juggle bowling pins to attack enemies above him.

Megaceras briansaltini

Megaceras briansaltini, named in honor of Brian Saltin, son of entomologist Jochen-P. Saltin, is a Peruvian rhinoceros beetle with a horn surprisingly similar to that of the character Dim from Pixar's animated film, A Bug's Life (created eight years before the beetle's discovery), previously unseen in nature (coined the Dim Effect by its discoverer Brett C. Ratcliffe).

Real World Haskell

Real World Haskell is an O'Reilly Media book, ISBN 978-0-596-51498-3, about the Haskell programming language by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen and features a rhinoceros beetle as its mascot.

see also