
2 unusual facts about rootless cosmopolitan

Marina Ladynina

In the early 1950s, at the Party conference which was taking place during the infamous anti-cosmopolites campaign Pyryev, being a Chairman of the Union of Cinematography was expected to pronounce his own denouncing word from a high tribune.

Rootless cosmopolitan

Russian historian Yuri Zhukov traces the campaign back to mid-November 1948, when Georgy Malenkov, head of ideology in the Central Committee, received a letter from the Komsomol, which complained about the low attendance rates for Soviet theaters.


: "... Your Jewish entourage... have already made good use of you and don't need you anymore. You will share the destiny of Napoleon, Hitler, etc. who were Zionist-maintained dictators... The aim of international Zionism is to seize power worldwide. For this reason Zionists struggle against national and religious traditions of other nations, and for this purpose they devised the Freemasonic concept of cosmopolitanism."

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